The personal life of Jess Navas: from her partner from youth to anxiety disorder

Navas’s goodbye has brought tears to the Torre del Oro itself. There have been almost 700 games that he has played with the Sevilla shirt, tattooing his initials on the grass of the right side of the Sánchez Pizjun.. The Seville legend closes an unforgettable stage to open another, presumably different one, in which, as happens in these situations, the most important thing remains, the pieces of the puzzle of his intimate and personal life: Sevillismo and its family.

Born in The palacesSeville, from a very young age he was linked to football and the feeling of closeness and warmth that only the people one chooses, as well as those of blood, are capable of eliciting in one. His older brother, Marco, was also a soccer player.: He grew up in the Los Palacios Sports Union and made the jump to Sevilla’s youth football, making his debut with the first team in 2004; The same trajectory is that of Jesús, whose career has extended to the limits that football sets, if it does, and that were immortalized under the sky of south africa in 2010.

Couple, children and religious devotion

One of his unconditional supporters during all these years has been his partner since his youth, Alejandra Moralwho became his wife in June 2011. It was a quiet ceremony in the Parish of Santa María la Blanca in Villafranca: a year and a month later their first child was born, Jess Navas Moral; In November 2018 the second one will open his eyes, Romeo Navas Moral.

He has never hidden the love he professes for his family, whom he has hugged on many occasions after finishing the games in his football home, nor the devotion he feels towards the Virgin of the Snows, patron saint of Los Palacios, coming to wave the flag of his figure after winning his last title with the national team. Both merge in the congregation of the sacramental corporationall of them being members and sharing a lively and sometimes silent feeling, as beautiful as love and as close as a mother’s hug.

anxiety disorder

His success in football is a sporting triumph, but, above all, a victory in life. As a young man, Navas was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, something that worsened when his life turned towards wonder and he was promoted to Sevilla’s first team. He was 18 years old and the adaptation was complicated, difficult and, mentally, horrible; so much so that He even missed games and championships for this reason, including the 2005 U-20 World Cup.

But he wasn’t going to give up. Navas was willing to write a page in the history of national sports, to give a chair of passion. After receiving psychological treatment and receiving support within the locker room from a young group of friends, including Sergio Ramos, José Antonio Reyes and Antonio Puerta, managed to move forward. It was the love of his people that made him believe that he could do the impossible. And she did it. Only like this the Tower of Gold cries.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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