UFOs, an object of scientific study and a fascination for their followers

MIAMI. – July 2 is World Children’s Day. UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). According to the promoters of this event, the date arouses interest and activates the imagination of those who believe in the existence of UFOs and who cling to the studies carried out on the possibility of other life in outer space.

The term used to refer to these elements was created in 1953, inspired by the United States Air Force. United Statessy is derived from the translation of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).

The date chosen to celebrate UFO Day is in reference to the Roswell case, which occurred in 1947, in the American town of the same name located in New Mexico. At that time, farmer William Brazel found some metal debris on the ground and reported it to the authorities: local media reported that they were remains of a flying saucer that had been captured by the military, which gave rise to the myth that attracts visitors to that town.

At the time, Roswell had fewer than 25,000 inhabitants and its busiest site was Roswell Army Airfield, home of the 509th Bomb Group, which had dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

The United States must provide information

In 2023, the House Oversight Committee will USA held a hearing on UFOs with the aim of hearing the complaints of former military personnel who claim that the US government has been collecting vehicles for some time aliens, but has not made it public.

After hearing the testimonies, the US Congressional subcommittee asked the government to report on the data it has on unidentified flying objects. According to the statements, the US has been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s.

Last year, NASA, the American space agency, stated that existing reports of UFOs do not prove an extraterrestrial origin. In 2022, NASA commissioned a panel of experts to examine data related to unidentified anomalous phenomena called UAPs. This is a new term for UFOs which includes abnormal objects or events in the sky, underwater, or in space.


Source: International Day Portal / The Nation / The Mail

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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