With discipline and hard work everything can be achieved, says entrepreneur

MIAMI.- Working outdoors in the middle of summer could seem like torture in a city like Miami, whose hallmarks are the sun and extreme heat. However, for the young businessman Maiko Azcuy González (31), owner and leader of Dr. Detailing, a retail car cleaning company, developing this job is a privilege that he performs with maximum joy and professionalism, characteristics that after four years residing in Miami, have allowed him to be recognized in the county.

“Since I was a teenager I have had an entrepreneurial spirit. I was born and raised in San Antonio de los Baños (municipality), Cuba, and there I worked on the farms with my grandparents planting flowers to sell them in Havana. So you can say that I have been an entrepreneur since I was a child,” he recalled in conversation with DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

Azcuy González crossed the border from Mexico to the United States in 2019.

“It was not easy to settle in this country. First, I crossed the border, but they turned me to Mexico and there I lived for 8 months in Cancun. Then, I re-entered the US, and I had to spend almost a year in prison waiting for my case for political asylum. In the midst of circumstances like these it might seem easy to give up, but I never lost faith and I always stayed focused on what I was going to be able to achieve when I started working and building a life in the United States,” recalled the young man whose services are today requested by popular television faces, businessmen, and influencerslike the Cuban Aly Sánchez.

“I feel happy to share my story, because I feel that it represents not only the history of many of my countrymen, but the sacrifice of all Hispanics who came to this country with the sole hope of building a more prosperous life,” he said and recalled After settling in Miami, he began working in a furniture factory, a job that allowed him to save money to buy his first van with which he began washing cars at home in 2020.

“I worked all day in the factory, and then I would go wash cars. It was a very hard time… but when I stabilized I managed to leave the factory job, and I was able to promote my own brand. Looking back, I think I was able to do it thanks to my discipline, perseverance, and – of course – putting in a lot of work, but it was worth it because today I have a growing company, and my own house with my wife (Sailyn Ferreiro)”, He commented full of pride and emotion.

Your entrepreneurship

Dr. Detailing is a home-based retail car cleaning company that offers waxing, scrubbing and chemical seat cleaning services, ceramic coating, paint polishing, driveway remodeling or drivewaysand boat cleaning, among others.

“We serve the entire Miami-Dade county and we work at home carrying everything necessary so that the client does not have any type of worry in the process,” said the young man whose closest dream is to expand to other parts of South Florida.

“The best advice I can share is that you have to work very hard and do things well. Achieving customer loyalty depends on that, and on the desire you have to keep going. I also recommend saving to reinvest that money in the business itself, since that is the only way for it to grow and continue to prosper,” she concluded.

You can follow Maiko Azcuy González on her Instagram profile @dr.detailing.corp

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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