Did you know that a poor diet can cause Chronic inflamation and that this, in addition to affecting body weight, can cause serious illnesses? A type of inflammatory disease that affects women more, according to a study conducted by experts from the King Juan Carlos University, which shows a 4.06% prevalence compared to 2.70% in men. Precisely to combat this chronic inflammation, there are some fundamental keys such as following an anti-inflammatory diet or anti-inflammatory foods.

A diet that should not be missing beneficial foods capable of improving digestionbut also allies to reduce swelling, rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. So, in addition to including quality foods through proteins, vegetables, spices with great anti-inflammatory benefits, there are some fruits that can also be of great help to reduce inflammation. We reveal what it is about.

What is inflammation and how can it affect health?

Although when we talk about inflammation, the first thing that comes to mind is the inflammation that occurs in the body when we take a blow, it is still a necessary and beneficial inflammation for health. However, when we talk about an inflammatory process that continues Beyond a specific moment and chronic inflammation, things change.

(The event that accelerates biological aging in women according to a Harvard study)

This type of inflammation is accompanied by a life with discomfort and can be associated with the appearance of degenerative diseases. Within this type of inflammation, there is one in particular that does not hurt but that does not stop being dangerous, we are talking about the one caused by the accumulation of fat in the belly area.

This fat also causes them to release cytokines and specifically adipocytokines, coming from fat cells and adipocytes. It is precisely this continued release of adipocytokines that causes the visible inflammation in that area.

As for the factors that cause it, one of the most common has to do with a unbalanced diet, excessively rich in fats and sugars, in addition to other factors that could also influence such as suffering stress continuously. But the good news is that these are factors that we can change through a balanced diet and adequate anti-inflammatory and of course always supported by the personalized advice of a health professional.

(The juice of this fruit will refresh you on hot days and help you lose weight and burn fat)

What to include in an anti-inflammatory diet

When we talk about avoiding or reducing inflammation in these cases, following a balanced and healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, can be key to it. In fact, a study carried out by scientists from the University of Umea (Sweden)found that following the Mediterranean diet for 3 months can lead to lower levels of inflammation markers, as well as helping to maintain a healthy weight.

And it is that, the Mediterranean diet is based on vegetable ingredients and there are several studies that have shown that higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, lower levels of inflammatory markers. In addition to the fact that a high consumption of these ingredients displaces that of other more caloric ones and helps to achieve a healthy weight.

How low glycemic index fruits work to reduce inflammation

On this occasion we want to focus on the benefits of fruits to reduce inflammation and specifically those fruits with a low glycemic index. And it is that these are the ones that have a minor effect on sugar rise in the body after consumption. These fruits gradually release glucose, compared to fruits with a high glycemic index, which, on the other hand, can cause a rapid and abrupt increase in sugar.

(The ideal superfood to take at night that helps burn calories easily)

But how can the fruit help reduce inflammation? This has to do with various factors:

  • Stabilization of sugar levels: Fruits with a low glycemic index help keep blood sugar levels more stable, thus avoiding glucose spikes and rapid drops. It is precisely those high sugar levels that can trigger inflammatory responses in the body. So by keeping sugar levels in a stable range, we will be helping to reduce inflammation.
  • Fiber content: Low-glycemic fruits are typically high in fiber, which helps regulate digestion and nutrient absorption. Fiber can in turn decrease glucose release, which can lower glycemic load and have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Antioxidants and phytochemicals: These types of fruits contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, such as anthocyanins from fruits such as cherries, which have anti-inflammatory properties, as explained in this article. hospital nutrition study.
  • Nutritional balance: These fruits are often part of a balanced diet that includes other healthy foods, such as vegetables, lean proteins, fruits, healthy fats… And precisely a balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential to control inflammation and promote overall health .

10 fruits to include in the diet and reduce inflammation

Despite the benefits that including them in the diet can bring, it is important to note that the reduction of inflammation It does not depend only on fruits with a low glycemic index, but on the diet in general and the lifestyle we lead.

So incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole foods into your diet, along with weight control and regular exercise practiceare key factors in reducing inflammation and promoting good health.

(This is the vegetable you have to eat to prevent wrinkles and protect the brain)

Here we detail some of the low glycemic index fruits that you can incorporate into your anti-inflammatory diet:

  1. Blueberries: These delicious berries, in addition to being healthy, have a very low glycemic index (25), which means that glucose levels do not rise sharply. They are also an excellent source of antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which help fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.
  2. Cherries: Known for their antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties, cherries also have a low glycemic index (35). In addition, they have the potential to improve mood, since they help the synthesis of serotonin and this hormone is associated with general well-being.
  3. plums: Also with a low glycemic index (35), plums are ideal to include as part of a healthy diet and prevent inflammation. They are a fruit rich in vitamin A, which has an important role in maintaining healthy skin. In addition, vitamins E and C act as antioxidants.
  4. Strawberries: Strawberries (40) are also an excellent source of vitamins, are rich in minerals, and contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances.
  5. Kiwis: High in vitamin C, they fight oxidative damage and inflammation. Kiwis also have a low glycemic index (39 to 42).
  6. Tangerines: Small and juicy, mandarins have a moderate glycemic index (30) and their vitamin content, especially C, makes them highly recommended to fight inflammation and protect against diseases.
  7. apples: Its nutritional and medicinal properties have given it the label of one of the healthiest fruits. Its glycemic index is 50.
  8. Oranges: They are also an excellent source of vitamin C, strengthen the immune system and act as an antioxidant. As for its glycemic index, it is 35.
  9. Pear: Rich in fiber, antioxidants and contain vitamin C. Regarding its glycemic index, it is low and 40. An ideal fruit also to promote satiety and achieve a healthy weight.
  10. Piña: This tropical and juicy fruit, in addition to an excellent ally for the hot summer months, is perfect for reducing inflammation due to its moderate glycemic index of 66.

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