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From: Jana Stabener

In TV interviews and his autobiography “Reserve”, Prince Harry tells some “downstairs anecdotes” from his royal life. “Tends to be annoying,” find Twitter users.

With their Netflix documentary series ‘Harry & Meghan’, whose trailer was criticized for ‘misleading’ footage, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle really opened up for the first time. They tell both about the beginning of their relationship and about the decision to leave royal life behind. But do the two ex-royals really want to leave royal life behind?

That’s what many users on Twitter are asking about the exclusive TV interview with Prince Harry, which can be seen on RTL on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 5 p.m. Or in light of Harry’s autobiography, Reserve, due out on Tuesday, January 10th. “For Prince Harry wanting privacy, I’m hearing more of him now than ever,” says one.

Prince Harry has criticized his family’s alleged strategy of placing stories and narratives in British tabloid media. © Harry: The Interview On Itv1 And/PA Media/dpa

Prince Harry: Interview on ITV runs on January 9, 2023 at 5 p.m. on RTL

As the German Press Agency (dpa) reported, Prince Harry gave two TV interviews two days before his book “Spare” (German: “Reserve”) comes out. He first answered questions from British journalist Tom Bradby on British broadcaster ITV on Sunday evening, January 7. Then he answered questions from US journalist Anderson Cooper from broadcaster CBS. The ITV interview will be broadcast on January 9, 2023 at 5 p.m. on RTL. The topics: a fight with his brother William, the death of his mother Diana and the lack of support from his family.

According to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Harry accuses the British royal family of racism in an interview and “puts the whole family under general suspicion”. Told earlier, in a conversation with Mariah Carey Meghan Markle says she ‘only treated like a black woman since dating Prince Harry’ will. However, Prince Harry does not provide perspectives for the other side, he criticizes FAZ-Editor. Much of it occurs in the best of families, is ugly, but is not usually publicized. “Only if you’re doing it for one purpose: publicity, even if it hurts other people.”

Twitter reactions to Prince Harry’s autobiography “Spare” and the TV interview

With the release of Harry’s autobiography Reserve on January 10, 2023, the rift in the royal family is likely to widen dpa deepen even more. In Spain, the autobiography was accidentally available in some bookstores on Thursday, January 5, 2023.

Since then, British media have not only reported on the TV interviews, but also on details from the book, such as Prince Harry’s defloration. Too spicy, people find on Twitter. They don’t want to read the book or watch the interview because they “don’t want to know anything, absolutely nothing about Prince Harry’s life” – they agree.

1. “One of my ‘Top Ten Books I Won’t Read This Year'”

2. “I would like to know nothing, absolutely nothing, about the life of Prince Harry,” writes extremism expert Katharina Nocun.

3. “It’s nice that despite his fame, he had a youth like any other Englishman,” jokes this user.

4. “A book about his defloration, cocaine [..und einen] frozen penis”

5. “Downstairs anecdotes from 70s Roland Kaiser texts”

6. With all this pre-registration, it’s probably not worth reading the book anyway, this user suspects.

7. Maybe Prince Harry and Meghan just didn’t understand when people leave you alone…(because that’s what they really wanted, right?)

The hate that Meghan experienced online became so big that YouTube deleted videos spreading hate against Megahn.

8. This Twitter user agrees…

9. “Prince Harry: I want privacy for my family and I! Also Prince Harry: Netflix documentary, interviews and book deal”

10. “We love double standards”

11. “Twitter tells you more than you ever wanted to know about Prince Embarrassing!”

More on the British royal family? This is about Queen Elizabeth, who loved her corgis – we show you in 21 pictures how much.


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