18 dead in mine collapse, according to NGO

CARACAS.- The Non Governmental Organization SOS Orinoco reported the death of 18 people during the collapse of a mina in the state of Bolívar, in the south of the country. The information was disclosed through the social network X, formerly Twitter, this Thursday, December 7.

The accident occurred, according to the NGO, on December 6, at the Paraiba mine in San José de Wadamapa in Icabarú, Bolívar. This mine had collapsed on November 12.

“A 10-meter ravine collapsed in the same mine: at least 18 Venezuelans and indigenous people died and 3 Brazilians were injured. The sole and exclusive responsibility lies with the captain general of sector 7 Ikabarú Juan José González together with the regime of Nicolás Maduro who allowed that mine to continue operating, and who promote this type of criminal and inhumane mining,” said SOS Orinoco.

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When the incident occurred on November 12, in which injuries were reported, the NGO stated that “the victims of these collapses, which are frequent, are generally the ‘paleros’ because what they have are a shovel and a furrow to clear the material. On this occasion apparently there were no deaths.”

They assured that this mine “is ‘owned’ by a Brazilian named Paraiba, who has clandestinely introduced all the jumbo-type machinery through green roads that cross the border with Brazil.”

Other complaints

In August of this year, SOS Orinoco noted that the Arco Minero, where gold is illegally exploited in Venezuela, grew in 5 months. All this would be happening before the “blind eye” of Nicolás Maduro, according to Cristina Burelli, founder of the NGO.

Burelli highlighted that Maduro knows that he must change the narrative of the regime “in order to have access to the Amazon Fund.” At COP27 (the United Nations Conference on Climate Change) in 2022, the head of the regime “tried to position himself as a defender of the Amazon and was told sotto vocce to change the speech”.


Source: SOS Orinoco

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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