213 years after independence, a national liberation movement is brewing in Venezuela

Citizens have risen up in the 916,455 square kilometers that comprise the Venezuelan territory, expressed their support for the unitary candidacy and the leadership of Maria Corina Machadowho has traveled across the 23 states of the South American country since April 11, when he resumed his street agenda in Yaracuy (north-central), the birthplace of Dignora Hernández, head of the Vente Venezuela party, who was arbitrarily detained on March 20.

“This has become a very deep social movement, which seeks the liberation of the country and preserve the Venezuelan nationtogether with the Republic,” says Machado, disqualified by the regime from participating in the presidential elections, in statements to THE AMERICAS DAILY.

Unprecedented in Venezuela

The images of her various tours have gone around the world, impressing with the overwhelming majority that supports her and the moving emotions transmitted by thousands of Venezuelans, eager change, freedom and democracynecessary to begin the reconstruction of the Caribbean nation, after 25 years of Chavismo.

“What is happening in Venezuela is something unprecedented, I would dare say not only in Venezuela, but in the entire region. Sometimes, I even think that Perhaps you have to be Venezuelan to understand what moves us today. and what unites us today,” he explains.

“For the return of my daughter”, “for the future of my baby”, “to see my brother again”, “to hug and kiss my children and grandchildren”, “I want my dad to see me grow up here” and “for my stay in Venezuela”are some of the most common phrases that can be read on the thousands of posters present at the different rallies that Machado has held, promoting González Urrutia’s candidacy.

“Those who see this strictly as a choice do not understand anything. Today we see people doing sublime things, which they never imagined they were capable of doing, because what moves us is a feeling of rescue of individual and national dignity; the possibility of living in our country and having our children back home,” he says.

Machado, last week overflowed the Fifth Avenue of San Cristobalin the border state of Táchira (west), a feat achieved by former president Carlos Andrés Pérez (1974-1979 and 1989-1993), Hugo Chávez (1999 – 2013) and former opposition candidate Henrique Capriles (2012 – 2013), before the persecution, the fuel crisis, the road blockades by the security forces intensified and the communication hegemony was consolidated.

National Liberation Movement

Machado, who won the opposition primaries with more than 90% of the votes, raised his hand to González Urrutia, after the regime’s obstacles to his candidacy. Together, they represent the hopes of millions of Venezuelans and the real possibility of a democratic transition in Venezuelaafter years of fighting against the Chavista leadership.

“Together they face the machinery of a A distorted, repressive and bloodthirsty state which presents an extremely unpopular candidate (Maduro) destined for defeat, despite having the field tilted in his favor and an electoral authority at his service,” he said. THE AMERICAS DAILY Political analyst Georg Eickhoff, a German professor with extensive knowledge of Venezuelan politics, after having lived in Venezuela for several years.

For the analyst, the Machado – González Urrutia alliance, beyond a “double candidacy”, has become a “national liberation movement”which brings together all citizens, regardless of political parties, and involves the individual as a whole (physically, emotionally, rationally and spiritually).

“They are not parties that face each other in a conventional electoral campaign, it is a national liberation movement that has the historic task of overcoming a regime that destroyed the country”, indica.


Venezuelan holds a banner during a rally for Maria Corina Machado in San Cristobal, Tachira state

Courtesy of Vente Venezuela Press

Organization of the common citizen

Eickhoff mentions that Chavismo, which has control of all state institutions, helped citizens create an innovative organizational mechanism, such as the so-called “commanded”groups of 10 citizens who will be trained as members and witnesses of voting tables to care for and defend the votes 28 of July.

“The ‘comanditos’ are a genuine citizen organization, a mechanism for transforming suffering and enthusiasm into organization. They are very far from the already traditional collaborationism of the supposedly opposition leadership (…) Venezuela is tired of bad government and bad opposition”, the analyst highlights.

In his opinion, this national liberation movement, which means the organization of the “common people” and the end of the “mediocrity of the past”, will be a “key bearer of peaceful action that will open the doors to the liberation of Venezuela”under the domination of 21st century socialism, which operates in Cuba and Nicaragua.

He says that the future of Venezuela, which faces years of political, economic and social crisis that has left a diaspora of more than seven million Venezuelans, depends on this liberation movement, which “It is growing in the outskirts of the national territory and will reach Caracas”.

“The national liberation movement is very broad, creative and innovative, and at the same time, it has a clear and organized leadership. Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez are carrying the national flag of Venezuela on this July 5, 2024“They defend citizenship and the nation against a regime that has destroyed the country and cannot offer any prospect of reconstruction and reconciliation,” Eickhoff stresses.

In addition, it highlights the “key role” which will take effect on July 28 and will be extended in the following days, given the possibility that the regime, which “will have to calibrate the ferocity of the repression,” tries to violate the will of the citizens and carry out a coup d’état. “Firmness, prudence, cohesion and non-violence, to liberate the country,” he advises the opposition and citizens.

National Unity Day

With 23 days to go until the presidential elections, opposition leader María Corina Machado highlights the importance of this process that “has become an existential and even spiritual cause,” which encompasses everyone from the elderly and the sick to the country’s children, whose faces full of hope have gone viral on social media.

July 28 has become the day of national unity“It is the day for which we Venezuelans have been preparing for 25 years, and the moment has arrived,” he says.

The opposition expresses its confidence in Venezuelans and calls on its compatriots inside and outside Venezuela. To the millions of migrants, whom the regime left out of the Electoral Registry, it urges them to become mobilizersto confirm that at least five people in their environment know where they will exercise their right to vote, before the arbitrary changes of voting centers made by the governing body, and support them with the mobilization on D-Day.

To the citizens who are in Venezuelan territory, we ask “continue without rest”understanding that July 28th will be “a day of national vigil”which must be “given in full” to Venezuela. “Starting the next day, a complex and delicate process of building republican, ethical and liberal pillars will begin in order to have a huge, beautiful and new Venezuela in which we can all meet again. These are the most important days of our lives. Venezuela is ready and I trust the Venezuelans,” he emphasizes.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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