3.8 million children in Venezuela have humanitarian needs

CARACAS.-The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) indicated that 3.8 million children in Venezuela have humanitarian needs that must be covered in the coming year 2024. In the report “Humanitarian action for children”, released this Tuesday, December 12, the organization maintained that it requires $147 million for aid in Venezuela, this to guarantee support for vulnerable groups.

According to Unicef, humanitarian priorities in Venezuela They aim to care for 35,800 children from 6 months to 5 years of age with severe acute malnutrition. Another aspect is the delivery of micronutrient powders to 300,000 children, as well as the distribution of learning materials to 516,500 children.

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This December 12, Unicef ​​presented a call for emergency financing for 9.3 billion dollars, whose objective is to reach at least 93.7 million boys and girls in 155 countries.

“In 2024 there will be boys and girls who will need humanitarian aid to save their lives in a world increasingly affected by brutal conflicts, poverty, polarization and the effects of the climate crisis,” indicated the United Nations organization.

It is estimated that for next year, 16.4 million boys and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean will require humanitarian support due to current crises: migratory flows and internal displacement, violence and needs related to disasters.

Children’s needs

The report released from Geneva indicates that among the emergencies that present a serious lack of financing are the cases of countries such as Sudan, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar, Haiti, Ethiopia, Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Bangladesh.

“The needs of the children and girls continue to be very pressing, despite the fact that the resources available to help them are increasingly scarce,” said Catherine Russell, Executive Director of Unicef.

Among the 2024 objectives are that there are 1.8 million households benefiting from humanitarian cash transfers financed by Unicef.


Source: UNICEF

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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