Políglota is a language teaching platform that came to an interesting conclusion and there are five skills What should you include in your CV.

The series of conclusions reached by the platform is based on its experience working with recruiters and in other activities within the labor market, in order to reach the right profile for open vacancies in the various industries that hire talent.

the first skill What he recommends is autonomy, that is, having initiative in carrying out tasks. According to Políglota, this disposition is a measure that allows talent to have greater commitment and productivity.

This productivity has an impact not just on the workplace but on an entire economy, as measured by the OECD in a study where he discovered how productive one hour of work was by country and placed Mexico in such a critical position, that Martin Armstronganalyst of Statesman who presented this study exclusively to subscribers of the platform, he considered that no matter how much work is done in Mexico, the country will never be as productive as Ireland with the highest GDP per hour, adding 109 dollars in that study, while Mexico only reached 22 dollars.

Other skill to include in the CV is teamwork and that is when the study was carried out “Voice of the Learner 2019”the platform responsible for this investigation, GP Strategies, found that among the top skills that employees around the world seek to develop, 17 percent said they seek to create high-performance teams.

“Globally, approximately 50 per cent of people employed by companies active in the learning and development (L&D) industry considered influencing and negotiating as valuable skills to develop. The ability to have difficult conversations and design thinking were equally valuable assets that employees in this branch said they needed to develop,” he explains. Statesman by exclusively presenting the study of Voice of the Learner 2019 to subscribers of this platform.

a third skill To consider in your CV is the handling of languages ​​and knowing how to develop knowledge of these becomes transcendental for communication both internally in the workplace and on behalf of the company.

To get an idea of ​​the languages ​​most needed in the workplace, ethnologist it placed English alongside Mandarin Chinese and Hindi as the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

Within the last measurements you have made ethnologistplaced English as a language spoken by 1.5 billion people, while Mandarin Chinese is spoken by 1.1 billion people and Spanish is spoken by 548 million people.

as fourth ability Including in a CV is creativity and innovation and it is that according to personalities such as Christopher Hughes, Statista analyst, “as of 2020, 41 percent of respondents who participated in a survey on graphic storytelling workers in Australia, they mentioned that there are more opportunities in the field for their skill set. That same year, about 13 percent of those surveyed said there are fewer opportunities in the field for their skill set.

one last skilld was to include other studies in the CV.

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