Daniel Sancho continues to occupy the spreadsheets of all the media as confessed murderer of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. A case that is going through its second month, and that continues to add new data to his investigation while Rodolfo Sancho’s son remains in custody. Koh Samui prison waiting for his trial to be held, which is expected to arrive in January 2024.

After learning what Daniel did before and after the murder, some things came to light. images in which the young man himself appears recreating one by one the movements he carried out and visiting each of the points where he was with police officers.

Some images that have been analyzed from ‘Code 10’, which have had the help of Paloma Ramona specialist in morphopsychology who has analyzed the gestures and movements made by the young chef in several of the videos in which he appears recreating the crime scene. A moment in which Daniel remains calm and that “he can come because he knows the place. He knows every corner. He is in an environment where he feels protected. He would have to have a physiological or mental alteration and we don’t see anything like that”.

Paloma Ramón analyzes Daniel Sancho in 'Code 10'.


Paloma Ramón analyzes Daniel Sancho in ‘Code 10’.

Daniel Sancho’s gestures

He also analyzes the body language when he recreates the murder of Edwin Arrieta, in which he points out that the Spaniard acts as if he was trying to manipulate the situation: “Kneel on the bed. He is marking a territory. His body is entering an area that belongs to the authority”.

Later, when the police counted his money, Daniel made a “microgesture where the face is a face of rage and hatred. You frown, raise your eyebrows… it can happen because Deep down he is wishing that that money meant freedom for him.”.

And, at one point, Daniel Sancho makes a request to the police that has attracted attention in the news, and that is that he asks to take a shower in that same place. “This may be happening to you because When you are in a moment like this you go into survival mode and start doing things you usually do.“, Add.

But, after explaining what she did with Edwin Arrieta’s body, Paloma Ramón points out that “there is no sign of sadness” in Daniel. “He has internal coldness. There is no emotionality and he does not have any type of conscience about what he has done. The degree of narcissism is what keeps him so calm,” she concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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