A natural treasure with endless benefits

MIAMI. The chamomilethis flower with a sweet and comforting aroma, not only adorns campos yjardinesbut also keeps a host of medicinal properties inside that make it a true natural treasure.

Chamomile or chamomile is a grass of the daisy family. The chamomile It was used in the Egyptian civilization and in peoples of Europe for centuries, to treat some discomforts and ailments.

The name chamomile comes from its characteristic apple-like aroma, which allows this herbaceous plant to also be used for uses related to beauty and cosmetics.

From the antiquity, chamomile is used to relieve various ailments. His properties anti-inflammatoryantispasmodic, antibacterial and sedative make it an effective natural remedy for digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain that find relief in a cup of chamomile tea.

This herb is also used for anxiety and insomnia, its calming and sedative effect helps combat stress and provides restful sleep. Fights inflammation of the skin, joints and muscles, both internally and externally. Its antibacterial properties help fight skin infections, wounds and colds.

Another of its many uses is to relieve menstrual pain, reduce cholesterolstrengthen the immune system, take care of eye health, and accelerate wound healing.

It can be consumed in tea, tincture, ointment or through inhalations. It is generally safe, although pregnant or breastfeeding women, and people taking medications, should consult their doctor. doctor before using it.

Chamomile, with its peaceful aroma and multiple benefits, is a gift from nature for the well-being of the body and mind. Incorporating it into our routine can be an important step towards a healthier and fuller life.

Currently there is an immense variety of products that contain or are made with chamomile, since over time it has been shown that its effectiveness is not something to take lightly.

igó(email protected)

Source: Hornimans, The World, Minsalud

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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