IDEA Group warns about the judicialization of politics in Colombia

BOGOTA.- This Tuesday the conciliation hearing began between the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and the former president of that country, Andrés Pastrana, who are facing off in the Prosecutor’s Office after the complaint filed by the head of State for the crimes of slander and slander as a result from a post by Pastrana on social networks.

Specifically, Petro’s complaint occurred after a publication made by Pastrana on his X account in which he assured that the current president’s presidential campaign was marked by drug trafficking.

Petro went to the Prosecutor’s Office this Tuesday and said that he was going to defend his “honor and good name”, as well as that of his Government.

“Being president has a fixed period, but being a citizen and a democrat is everlasting, even at the risk of our own lives. I believe and defend the institutions of the country that gave me the privilege of directing them and I go in search of justice because no one can be above of the law,” Petro said in a statement.

“As a democrat, I respect differences, but I do not respond to the violence of language reserved for those who want to profit from passing power, with no other ideas than verbal aggression”said the Colombian president.

He explained that with the complaint filed against former President Pastrana he intends for the leaders to set an example and not use their position to exceed the limits of freedom of expression without providing even a single piece of evidence in their accusations.

“The country knows that the Prosecutor’s Office was created in 1991 as an institution that investigates and manages social conflicts with values ​​much superior in grandeur to those who, like weaklings, try to take political advantage of Justice,” emphasized Petro, who He assured that if he receives compensation, it will go “to a foundation with a social purpose”.

Pastrana reaffirms his accusations

Former President Pastrana announced that he will reaffirm his accusations and that he will present the necessary evidence. “There is a quantity of evidence and evidence, and of course we bring all the evidence,” he said before appearing at the Prosecutor’s Office headquarters.

In turn, he criticized Petro for filing a complaint for what he claims is his exercise of freedom of expression. “It is a historic case in Colombia, it is the first time that a president of the republic denounces a former president for expressing his opinion, for being in opposition,” he said.

“Here what is at stake is freedom of thought, it is freedom of opinion, it is the freedom to oppose,” said Pastrana, who insisted that he will go face to face with Petro in the Prosecutor’s Office to “avoid criminalization.” the right to opinion and to oppose”. “Here what is at stake is freedom of thought, it is freedom of opinion, it is the freedom to oppose,” said Pastrana, who insisted that he will go face to face with Petro in the Prosecutor’s Office to “avoid criminalization.” the right to opinion and to oppose”.

At the end of 2023, former President Pastrana used social networks to directly accuse Petro of having “merged” the Government of Colombia with drug trafficking using the “farce” of the ‘total peace’ plan, in reference to his policies to contain The orginazed crime.

After two hours of the hearing, Former President Pastrana stated that there was no type of conciliation and that is ratified in each of his accusations made against Petro.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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