After two evenings of collages on the headquarters of his party, environmentalists filed a handrail for “damage coverage” with their insurance. Sandrine Rousseau initially denounced “an error” before backpedaling. Relève féministe sees it as a “criminalization of activists”.

A controversy that Europe-Ecologie-Les-Verts would have done well. After being targeted twice by feminist collages targeting Julien Bayou, questioned by his ex-girlfriend, the party filed a handrail. To the chagrin of Relève féministe who were the organizers.

“We use the repressive state apparatus against us. It’s a way of intimidating us and it’s obviously something that is directed against our action,” says Marie Coquille-Chambel, one of the members of this collective born in the wake of the Quatennens affair, with

“This handrail, a mistake”

Pinned by Green MP Sandrine Rousseau who saw “an error”, the movement defended itself in a press release.

The party “had to file a handrail as part of a request for coverage of the damage by an insurance device (…) without targeting any collective or any person”, can we read there.

“A silly procedure”

The headquarters of the ecologists had been plastered with posters on November 26 and then on December 3 by Relève féministe, which has 500 members from the left. When this collective was launched, the activists explained that they refused to have their “political struggles represented” “by perpetrators of violence”.

Among these collages we could read “MP MST”, “Bayou we are green with rage”, or “no recycling of attackers”.

Accused by his former companion of suspicions of psychological violence, Julien Bayou who resigned from his position as number 1 of the party at the end of September, rejects the facts which are not clearly established. No complaint has been filed and no judicial inquiry has been opened.

“We are the tenant of the building and our insurance asked us for a handrail for compensation. It is only a very simple administrative procedure which does not target anyone”, assures us for his part a member of the direction of the movement , amazed at the controversy.

“A criminalization of feminist activists”

Relève féministe denounced for his part “the criminalization of feminist activists”, while activists have already been warned for collages in Bordeaux, Nantes or even Paris at the end of November after having pasted posters on the headquarters of Renaissance.

“This handrail would be a request from insurance and the owner of the place. Here is the explanation. No mention of the collective (in the EELV press release)”, tweeted Sandrine Rousseau, after having read the explanations party.

The headquarters of France insoumise had also been targeted by Relève féministe on November 14, when the movement was then considering its return to the National Assembly.


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