Important changes are coming in the INE, since in this 2023 positions such as the Presidency will be renewed. And for now, we already know that whoever occupies this position will be a woman. that is, one woman will be the next president counselor of the National Electoral Institute.

And this would be the first time that a woman has held the position of president directorin the short history of the INE —this institution has been operating for 8 years since its creation.

Photo: Daniel Augusto-Cuartoscuro.

A woman will be the next president of the INE

This entire matter of the change in the INE Presidency was discussed between the Political Coordination Board (JUCOPO) of the Chamber of Deputies —made up of the representation of the 7 parties that are in San Lázaro— and magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF).

In order not to bore you so much with rolls from the Court and the Chamber, in summary we tell you that before this meeting, the TEPJF ordered to change the call to select the new INE directorswith the aim that the Presidency will be in the hands of a woman.

Photo: Rogelio Morales-Cuartoscuro

All this because the TEPJF concluded that this call did not comply with gender parity.

At first, upon learning of this sentence, the JUCOPO he made it cough because he said that he already had everything ready for this selection and that changing the call was going to be a bad plan with the people who had already signed up.

But a month later, the March 23 of this 2023this Board decided that always yes: it will do everything possible to elect a woman as president of the INE.

How will they do it?

He Technical Evaluation Committee (to elect the Presidency and directors of the INE) must deliver to this Board the list of the best evaluated applicants, peeeeeero This list for the Presidency must be made up of 5 women.

Photo: @Mx_Diputados

(Which by the way, this list will have to be voted on by the deputies).

In this process, it is necessary to know that in addition to the Presidency, there are three other positions such as advisers / advisers that must be renewed. In other words, the INE has 4 vacancies, because in addition to the president Lawrence Cordova; Cyrus Murayama Adriana Favela and Jose Roberto Ruiz they are going out

HERE in this note we will tell you more about the selection process for these 4 positions —hey, there goes the INE Presidency—, all this also in the context of the departure of Lorenzo Córdova as president counselor, next April 3, 2023.


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