Adara Molinero, sued for false testimony

The legal aspect that the case of alleged medical negligence that he reported could take Adara Molinero Through social networks it could take a 180 degree turn. Two days ago she was the former contestant of Survivors who raised the first alarm: had gone to a clinicwhose name he said, repeated and reiterated, to remove some stains and I went straight to the emergency room full of pain and with red legs full of marks.

His Instagram posts are a direct accusation of his doctor. And far from staying silent, as confirmed by Sal Ortiz in Fiestathey would have decided to take a step forward to fight legally the words of the influencer and demonstrate that, in addition, There is no error in the procedure you underwent. It is a serious topic with a complicated ending, the journalist anticipated. And he doesn’t lie.


  • The former Survivor contestant went to a clinic to remove the stains that the reality show left on her, but she went straight to the emergency room with serious injuries to her skin.

  • Adara Molinero, sued for false testimony

    The winner of Big Brother VIP 7 denounces a wave of hatred towards her and her mother, Elena Rodríguez, who competes in Big Brother Do.

Adara has been treating herself with this doctor for two years, undergoing various treatments. She comes to treat the marks on her legs, which are controlled burns so that the skin can then regenerate, Ortiz begins by saying, specifying that, then, She gets nervous and goes to the emergency room without following the instructions of the medical team in very bad ways and without letting them do their job.

That is, there would be no failure in the clinic’s technique. Or what is the same: that Molinero’s own hysteria would have led to the story of medical negligence. The doctor chases her to tell her that what happened is normal. When he manages to talk to her, she says I don’t want to know anything, talk to my lawyerhe continued, and then intoned a phrase that resonated on stage: They are considering filing a lawsuit for bad publicity, accusing them of malpractice.

Molinero’s version: second degree burns

Molinero’s version is radically different. They did three types of laser on me knowing that my skin was delicate. Since he is a dermatologist, I thought what he was doing to me was normal., he confided, stating that when the laser finished, his skin began to burn as if an iron had been placed on me. To make matters worse, she confessed that they treated her as if she were exaggerated and applying cold air to her that gave her even more pain.

Then I went to the emergency room. They gave me an IV and they had to put me on medication. I had to leave the clinic without pants, in panties, because I couldn’t touch my wounds.he explained, adding that what had caused him in the clinic had been some second degree burns. No more, no less.

You don’t know the night I spent. I’m based on enantyums. They had to bandage all my legs and I have to return to the hospital for two more days so they can continue treating me., he said then, ironically wondering how it was possible that a dermatologist had done that to him. And although he did not expect an answer, that question was picked up by the same clinic to respond to a demand.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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