Carmen Otte, very hunchbacked, takes a step forward in her relationship with Juan Ortega

Carmen Otte is ready to turn the page. Despite the fact that Vanitatis pointed to a rapprochement between her and the bullfighter Juan Ortega, after he gave the fright just an hour before his wedding was celebrated in front of half a thousand guests in the church of Santiago de Jerez de la Frontera last 2 from December, The cardiologist would not even want to hear about a possible reconciliation and would have decided to remove her belongings from the apartment she shared with the right-handed man..

According to El Español, with information from sources close to the couple, Otte would not want to set foot again in this house where they were renting. since three years ago they started living together. A house that is empty right now, since she felt very humiliated by the fright of her fiancé after a decade of love and has taken refuge in her parents’ home. He, for her part, has been seen in different parts of Spanish geography, with a reflective gesture, and, according to her, still in love with her.

However, reconciliation would be completely impossible, since the last straw for Otte was seeing his father persecuted by the press to answer the questions that accuse him of being guilty of the flight of his future son-in-law after an argument in which he would have regretted that he took so long to ask his daughter to marry him. Otte believes that his father should not be harassed as if he were famous, since he is an anonymous person and wants to remain so. Furthermore, according to journalist Paloma García Pelayo, the family would no longer welcome the former couple resuming their relationship.

Legal actions

At a difficult time for the young cardiologist, in which she is very upset by everything that has happened and also by being the talk of the moment, she would be considering take legal action, since you will want to protect your privacy and that of your family above all. For it, would have contacted a lawyer friendwho can take care of this matter.

In this way, with moving included, Otte tries to take control of his life and start over. For his part, Ortega is focused, for the moment, on his return to the ring.. His reappearance, in which he will not make any statements regarding what happened, is expected in February of next year at the San Blas and Candelaria Fair in Valdemorillo.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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