• AI and robots are already widely used at an industrial level and their use is expected to spread to almost all areas of daily life.

  • It was estimated that spending on Artificial Intelligence would close close to 450 billion dollars in 2022.

  • Experts predict that the spending of governments and companies to implement these technological solutions will exceed 500 billion euros in 2023.

Artificial Intelligence Platforms (AI) have caused a significant impact in the graphic design industry, since with Its intuitive interface and advanced design tools allow anyone to create anything from a logo to an elaborate photomontage without prior knowledge. In fact, with simple precise indications, in a matter of minutes, these websites can generate more than eight creative ideas under the same concept, whether descriptive, symbolic or subjective.

Although it is still a subject under debate and study, it is the same Internet users who learn about AI with ingenious practices that border on entertainment and entrepreneurship, since they have realized that with a simple monthly membership they can generate their own logos, posters and ads without having to pay for a professional graphic designer, either freelance or from an agency.

In full 2023 the Artificial intelligence takes an important role and begins to be the focus of attention and interest in all industries, since, according to an IDC study, the spending of governments and companies to implement this type of technological solutions will exceed 500 billion euros (close to 10 million 129 thousand 300 Mexican pesos).

In the professional sector of graphic design, this trend is not far behind, since AI could revolutionize the way in which small companies and startups get their visual identity. Before they had to hire a graphic designer or spend a significant amount of money on expensive design software, today they can create a unique, high-quality logo in a matter of minutes and at an affordable price.

However, it is not all bad, the sites on-line of Artificial Intelligence also give graphic designers a new opportunity to reach a wider audience and increase their income through marketplaces. Designers can upload and sell their designs on the platforms, allowing them to reach a global audience.

AI cheapens graphic design; creating a logo is 21 times cheaper and faster

The current economic outlook is clear: the monthly salary of a graphic designer in Mexico varies depending on their level of experience, skill, and geographic location. According to average estimates, The salary of a graphic designer can range between 10,000 and 30,000 Mexican pesos per month.

Compared, the monthly membership of platforms like midjourney it depends on the plan a user chooses; however, these They range from $10 to $199 per month (between 188.85 and 3 thousand 758.08 pesos).

It is important to note that hiring a full-time graphic designer may incur additional costs, such as salaries, benefits, labor rights, etc., while IA’s monthly website membership only includes access to their platform. and design tools.

As for the creation of a specific logo, in Mexico it can cost between 4,000 and 16,000 pesos, depending on whether it is done by an independent professional graphic designer or through medium and large agencies.

Thus, comparing it with the lowest price of human recruitment, we can say that generate a logo for brand or rebranding it would be up to 21 pesos cheaper with the multiple creation options offered by this technology.

In an internship carried out by Merca2.o in Midjourneyone of the most popular AI platforms in the world, it was found that about 200,000 creative requests are generated every day for the creation of new logos or specific modification of some famous brands.

Users from all over the world asked the AI ​​to make designs of all kinds, from an “elegant” piece for an advertising agency, to the logo of a boat, a coffee brand, a French real estate company, the platform’s own identity and symbols with mixtures and artistic currents between Sarah Morris and Kazimir Severinovich.

Likewise, some original creations were also found with the identity of established brands such as Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Nike and Amazon.


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