You are currently viewing Aitana, like Shakira: the ‘darts’ to Miguel Bernardeau in her new song

Aitana Ocaña is counting the days until the release of ‘Alpha’, her new studio album with which she intends to surprise her thousands of fans with a lot of pop and electronic sounds. On her social networks, the singer offers a small preview of the music that will soon flood the main charts. Draw attention the verses of the song ‘2 strangers’ in which he talks about heartbreak and that everything indicates that they are directed towards his ex-partner, Miguel Bernardeau.

In the purest Shakira style, the Catalan artist opens her heart through music. “I met you when I was nineteen, kisses come and kisses come. Why do I go back to that bar if it’s cold as snow? “You are not there,” intones. “It was because I was an idiot that I got that tattoo, but now you’re not here,” Aitana continues to express in this song that promises to be one of the most popular songs on her third studio album.

These verses from ‘2 Strangers’ have not taken long to go viral on social networks where the singer’s fans have not hesitated to draw similarities with the love story that Aitana and Ana Duato’s son lived for more than three years. It is worth remembering that Sebastián Yatra’s current partner sports a tattoo with an ‘M’a letter that coincides with Miguel’s initial.

More ‘darts’ to Bernardeau

“Last time I saw you crying on FaceTime. I know it was ‘bad time’, but at least I told you everything I felt. It’s not that I feel it, nor that I regret it, but now we are two strangers,” Aitana continues singing. “As if we hadn’t been there for years, as if we had hurt each other. Four years together is worthless, that does hurt“, can be read in the lyrics of ‘2 strangers’.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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