Aitana's mother mistakenly leaks an image of her daughter with Sebastin Yatra

At the moment we are both single. We are each living her own path, but I love her very much and we lived a beautiful story this year, with these words Sebastin Yatra publicly announced the end of his brief romance with Aitana Ocaa. A breakup that was already an open secret after several weeks of much speculation about a possible crisis between them.

While strong rumors of an alleged approach between Sebastin Yatra and his ex-partner Tini Stoessel, the artist with whom she had a relationship for just over two years, Aitana is totally focused on her tour of Latin America, visiting countries such as Chile, Mexico or Argentina. Her ex-triumphant, always accompanied by her father Cosme de ella, is sweeping each of her presentations with Alpha Tour.

It is precisely on the other side of the pond where Aitana has celebrated Cosme Ocaa’s 60th birthday in style. An anniversary that she has given us unexpectedly a very intimate photograph of the singer with her now ex-boyfriend due to an error on social networks by her motherBeln Morales.

The artist’s mother wanted to congratulate her husband through Instagram where she mistakenly leaked a more personal album photograph of her daughter. The mother uploaded this story congratulating her husband and has leaked this photo of Aitana and Sebas Yatra kissing, but which she still keeps in the gallerywrites La Cuernis, who very quickly captured the mistake before Belén Morales erased all traces.

Aitana’s words to her father

Beyond this anecdote, Aitana wanted to congratulate her father with an emotional message on her Instagram account where she has more than three million followers. When I need you most, you are always there. To accompany me in the darkest nights and also in the brightest. To laugh non-stop over stupid things or cry non-stop over the same thing, writes the interpreter of Las babys.

Thank you for accompanying me on the path, for holding my hand and jumping, with you it’s not scary to fall. For reminding me every day that I can with everything I set my mind to. I always joke with you and tell you that you have created a lot of fears in me, you have always wanted to protect me from everything, but in reality, If I am where I am, it is thanks to you and mom. I am brave for you, he concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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