Nacho Vidal's gesture with the Mozos de Arousa, Chain Reaction contestants

Los Mozos de Arousa have become one of the most recognized mass icons on Telecinco. The three Galician contestants are more than settled in the afternoons of the main channel of the Fuencarral communication group thanks to their role in Chain Reactionwhere they have already accumulated almost a million euros.

Back in September, one of the team members, Ral, sent greetings to his father-in-law, named Nacho Vidal. Upon hearing the name, The entire public began to chant Nacho Vidal in a scene that was seen by one of the most famous namesakes of the person greeted: the Osasuna player.

That moment was brought up again in the last installment of Chain Reaction. The contestants had to find names of soccer teams and one of them was Osasuna, which led Borjamina to remember the experience. that they had had with the athlete and the detail that the right back had had with them.

In a program we greet Ral’s father-in-law, whose name is Nacho Vidal. Well, the Community Manager of Osasuna contacted us and He told us that Nacho Vidal saw the program and that he is going to send us a gift. We don’t have it yet, but we will show it when it arrives., revealed the team spokesperson. The presenter, Ion Aramendi, grateful for the footballer’s audience, sent the protagonist a hug.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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