Alarming increase in Chinese migration to the US due to Biden's policies

“If we continue at that rate, we would be talking about 14,000% by the end of the current fiscal year and no one except China seems to know why. In 2021, US Border Patrol agents detained only 342 Chinese citizens,” the lawyer added, but since then the figure has been rising.

In 2022, this figure jumped to 1,987 Chinese irregulars entering US soil.

The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) counted 24,048 Chinese immigrants at the border between the United States and Mexico in fiscal year 2023, which ended in September, an increase of 7,000% compared to the figure from two years ago.

Those numbers have already been surpassed in just 8 months of the current fiscal period. From last October to May 2024, nearly 30,000 Chinese who entered the United States illegally have been processed compared to 24,000 for the entire fiscal year of 2023, which, of course, does not include the “fugitives” who managed to pass Border Patrol checkpoints, an exponential growth that is part of the immigration crisis of the administration of Joe Biden, the expert noted.

In his opinion, “nothing compares to what is to come. So far, this year’s figures have already eclipsed those of 2023 and we still have a few more months left in the fiscal year.

Chinese immigrants are among the fastest growing groups illegally crossing the southern border. Even more worrying is that the overwhelming majority of these Chinese immigrants are military-aged men.”

Something’s not right

In his opinion, it is impossible not to see these numbers and ask “why a President and his government do not stop such an attack on our borders. Are there asylum seekers every day? No. There is something that does not add up,” he insisted.

Herrera Mellado, from the firm kivakilawfirm considers that this increase in Chinese migration as well as other nationalities is fundamentally due to the fact that “citizens from all over the world heard the message of this Administration: “come everyone.”

For the expert “it is obvious that there is an interest in living in our country and the easiest solution today is to explore the legal loopholes, the absence of law and order that has occurred since Joe Biden came to power.”

The Democrat arrived at the White House in 2021, and is seeking a second term amid a storm of criticism over his immigration policy.

Security in danger?

The expert reviewed the far-reaching geopolitical issue that arose in 2020, when the United States ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston, Texas, due to accusations of espionage, which was described by the Beijing Foreign Ministry as an escalation in tensions between the two countries.

“We all remember how Chinese diplomats burned documents,” said Herrera Machado. At that time, local media reported that firefighters reported a fire in that Consulate where many documents were burned coinciding with the closure order, which generated a lot of controversy.

The US State Department argued that the order to close that diplomatic headquarters was to protect the private information of Americans. And that’s why charges were brought against two Chinese “hackers” for trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine data.

Herrera Mellado said that it is said that the immigrants who are arriving are middle class people who have suffered the consequences of social policies and economic ones that ended freedom and wealth in china. But the age of the Chinese, young people of military age, also draws attention and could represent a threat to national security.

The lawyer pointed out that undocumented immigration due to Biden’s flexible policies, “unfortunately is the easiest. And we must not forget that a few days ago we learned about an investigation that lasted more than five years in which an association between the Sinaloa Cartel and clandestine Chinese banking groups in the United States was demonstrated that laundered more than 50 million dollars from the sale of fentanyl. , cocaine and other drugs, federal prosecutors said.”

The United States Department of Justice announced charges against alleged associates of the Sinaloa Cartel for a money laundering scheme that used Chinese exchange houses in Los Angeles, California, to launder that amount of money from drug sales. The investigation, called Operation Fortune Runner, lasted five years and had the collaboration of the authorities of China and Mexico.

Federal authorities charged 24 people linked to the case, of whom 22 have been arrested, the Department of Justice reported in a statement. Security forces from China and Mexico helped with the capture of the fugitives who fled the United States, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said.

“This investigation demonstrates that the Sinaloa Cartel has entered into a new criminal partnership with Chinese citizens who launder money for the cartels,” Anne Milgram, director of the DEA, said at a press conference.

Multi-million dollar business

The lawyer pointed out that “this is another example of what it means to have the enemy at home and put national security at risk. I insist, what is this government waiting for to stop the uncontrolled entry of foreigners?”

Although some citizens of the Asian nation have publicly expressed when they arrive in the United States that they do not agree with the regime of their country and do not like “totalitarianism.”

He believes that the latest measures will not succeed in stopping the phenomenon of increasing immigration. “Because there is a multi-million dollar business on social media to facilitate the entry of immigrants. The US has created a monster. It must be stopped and put to rest.”

Short videos on social media offer recommendations on the best routes to travel from China to the United States, instructions on accommodation and transportation, and explanations on how much it costs to bribe police officers in different countries.

The Chinese crossing through the Darien

When asked about the different routes that the Chinese use to reach the US border, she said that of the 520,000 people who passed through Darién in 2023, Panama Migration identified 25,565 Chinese, a figure that has currently decreased probably because the Asians , among other nationalities including India and Russia, found other ways to reach the United States without going through the jungle.

Nicaragua became the new epicenter from which migrants leave to join those who from Necoclí, in Colombia, enter the “mouth” of the Darién to exit through Bajo Chiquito in Panama.but with these new routes they skip the hardships of the inhospitable jungle.

Many now use the route from the island of San Andrés, Colombia and reach the island of Nicaragua: Corn Island, a route through the open sea with equal dangers, but more “friendly” than the Darién.

Another modality is that from their country of origin, the Chinese arrive on commercial flights to Nicaragua and from there they head to their final destination, the southern border of the United States.

However, today there are more Chinese citizens in the San Diego, California sector, on the border with Mexico, than citizens of the Aztec country, according to CBP data, which shows the magnitude of the immigration crisis.


The Foreign Ministry in Beijing said late last year that it was “very concerned” about the situation.

“China resolutely opposes and combats any form of illegal immigration and is willing to actively carry out international cooperation in this area,” the office said in a statement.

US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said he was in contact with Chinese authorities to get them to accept repatriation flights and said that controls in San Diego have been intensified, thereby recognizing that “the entry of illegal immigrants into the country has overflowed,” concluded Herrera Mellado.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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