Beyond the text where he lists some of the achievements achieved by his government despite the usual doomsayers, he also looks to the future for this year that begins and where his term ends.

Alberto did not leave out the statistical data but embraced the triumph of the soccer team as one of the events that made us Argentines close the year with a bit of joy.

But perhaps the main theme of the letter focuses on the extremely poor role of Justice and its spurious contacts with politics, especially in the City of Buenos Aires, and just as he instructed the Minister of Justice to get to work investigating these facts of public knowledge and that were not denied, also summoned the governors to promote the request for impeachment against the president of the highest court, Horacio Rosatti.

This is the complete text signed by the President of the Nation.

Presidency of the Argentine Nation

Buenos Aires, January 1, 2023

Dear Argentine People:

We are starting a new year. We left behind another one that brought us joy but also imposed the demands of a pandemic that does not end and a war that conditions us, putting the development we so badly need into crisis.

Against the forecasts of many, we have managed to meet the economic objectives that we had set for ourselves. We are working on putting the fiscal accounts in order and we have managed to ensure that our deficit does not exceed the number we had programmed.

We were able to do it in a booming economy that has allowed our gross domestic product to end up growing well above 5%. In this year that is ending we will have registered a record of investments and exports. We were able to overcome the lack of foreign currency and our freely available reserves have grown significantly.

Employment has also grown. Since we took office, registered employment in the private sector grew by 4.1%. This figure contrasts greatly with the four years that preceded us in which private registered employment contracted 3.5%, expelling almost 220,000 workers from their formal jobs.

Today we register an unemployment rate of 7.1%, which is the second lowest since 2003. At the same time, 21 provinces of Argentina observe very low unemployment rates. Work continues to grow in Argentina with a model of development and fiscal regulation.

We have two important challenges ahead. The first is to continue working so that the inflation that we inherited and that was strengthened by the unleashed war continues its downward path. The second, to improve the income of those who work who have suffered a significant loss in the four years that preceded our arrival. Dealing with the last first remains our commitment.

We ended the year enjoying the success of our National Soccer Team. The well-deserved obtaining of the title that for so long was elusive to us filled Argentina with joy in full. All our gratitude to the team of players and to the technical team. They have shown us what we are capable of doing together when the value of convictions appears in us.

Even though all that has been said gives us the peace of mind of knowing that we are on the right path, the worst practices that can be carried out in a Republic that claims to want to preserve the rule of law have recently been exposed.

In the last months we have seen an inadmissible advance of the Judicial Power of the Nation over the other powers of Argentina. Various publications, never contradicted, have exposed what I have been warning for a long time: the scandalous link between part of politics and Justice. You no longer need any special analysis. The behaviors, the dialogues between judicial officials and opposition politicians in which decisions are anticipated and political grounds are recommended to be used when judicially deciding cases with undoubted institutional significance, have been impudently exposed to the general astonishment.

Upon assuming my mandate, I swore to observe and enforce the Constitution insofar as it depends on me. I must prevent the Council of the Magistracy from continuing to be manipulated with unusual jurisprudential interpretations that allow the Judiciary to meddle in the decisions of the National Congress. It is my duty to promote actions when the federal system is put into crisis through an unnecessary precautionary measure and the improper proposal of an autonomous city.

I have summoned the governors who accompanied the National State in its petition against the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires so that, together, we promote the impeachment of the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Horacio Rosatti to investigate his conduct in the performance of their duties. We will also require that the conduct of the remaining members of the highest court be investigated.

I will also order the Minister of Justice and Human Rights to promote the pertinent criminal actions to investigate the alleged acts of corruption that would involve officials from the city of Buenos Aires with business contractors from that autonomous state.

I hope that in this coming year, while we are celebrating forty years of democracy, we agree once and for all to build a rule of law in which justice punishes those who are truly responsible without the mediation of pacts of impunity and in which politics forever forgets the corrupt practices that have caused so much damage to its credibility.

Know that I will fulfill my oath and I will enforce the Constitution.

My best wishes of happiness to each and all of you.

Thanks a lot.


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