You are currently viewing Alejandra Rubio, about Gustavo Guillermo: “Twenty days ago he resigned”

The entry of Gustavo Guillermo in Big Brother It was one of the highlights of the premiere of the program presented by Marta Flich. The one who was María Teresa Campos’ right-hand man during much of her career as a communicator confirmed his participation in the format before the death of the television presenter and, despite the fact that his face showed that he was not enjoying the events, Gustavo fulfilled his commitment by traveling to Guadalix de la Sierra.

Although her name was in many of the pools prior to Thursday’s premiere, Alejandra Rubio has confirmed in This is life what I didn’t know anything about Gustavo’s participation. Furthermore, he added that, after twenty years working with the first of the Campos clan“A few ago 20 days he resigned and he said he was no longer going to work with my grandmother.”

“We did not expect that, suddenly, at a time when my grandmother was unwell, she would present that resignation. That’s when the negotiations began. Big Brother. We sensed that it could be because of that, also because of rumors, but no one said anything.“, has added. According to his version, neither Terelu nor Carmen Borrego knew anything until he himself told the former after the communicator’s funeral.

He looked for a defender

As soon as you enter the realityGustavo had no qualms in assuring that his presence was nothing more than “a gift” from María Teresa. In fact, he recalled conversations in which he confessed that the communicator had invited him on several occasions to accept such an opportunity if it ended up presenting itself.. However, as Rubio has pointed out, his grandmother did not know that she was going to participate in Big Brother.

In addition, Gustavo Guillermo tried to get Terelu or Carmen Borrego to be his defenders, although neither of them has accepted the offer. “I have hallucinated. I’m not saying this for good or bad. I was shocked because it seemed to me that… I didn’t want to believe it. (…) That my grandmother was so sick and presented her resignation to enter a reality“, Rubio has settled, dropping his discontent after the decision of whom María Teresa Campos came to baptize as “the son she never had.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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