Iván Duque questions the softness of the OAS in the face of Maduro's totalitarian positions

BOGOTÁ.- The former president of Colombia, Ivan Duquequestioned the United States’ decision to remove the Cuban regime from the list of countries that do not cooperate in the fight against terrorism.

Through the social networks, former President Duque spoke out. “It was the Cuban government that committed a crime by protecting ELN (National Liberation Army) terrorists who planned and executed an attack that took the lives of 22 innocent young people in a training center.”

In this sense, he stated that the Cuban regime refused to hand over the members of the ELN COCE who “were requested by the Colombian justice system after carrying out a rigorous investigation process.”

“There are many followers of Castro, Ortega, Chávez and Maduro who live hallucinated by the authoritarian, repressive and destructive drug of 21st century socialism. But even if the terrorist dresses as a revolutionary, he remains a terrorist,” Duque concluded.

This week, independent Cuban organizations, congressmen and members of the Cuban community have reacted in different ways to the decision of the United States government to remove Cuba from the list of countries that do not fully cooperate with Washington’s anti-terrorist efforts, the portal reports. Web CubaNet.

According to the document, the State Department determined that the circumstances for the certification of Cuba as a country that does not fully cooperate with anti-terrorist efforts would have changed from 2022 to 2023 and that, consequently, Washington removes the Island from this list.

The Center for a Free Cuba expressed that the Havana regime continues to offer refuge to terrorists and if they really cooperate with anti-terrorist efforts, they should hand over the fugitives.

For their part, congressmen Mario Díaz-Balart, María Elvira Salazar and Carlos A. Giménez, along with senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, denounced Cuba’s removal from that list.

“Once again, the Biden administration has made a blunder in foreign policy that undermines our national security interests. The weak explanation for the refusal to designate the anti-American terrorist state of Cuba as a ‘country that does not fully cooperate’ is as erroneous as the rest of its foreign policy approach,” the text included statements from the congressmen.

Other voices applauded the measure, such as that of Democratic legislator Pramila Jayapal, who requested a next step: the removal of Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

Source: Writing

Tarun Kumar

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