Amnesty International calls on the Venezuelan regime to release NGO director

CARACAS.- Ethe regimen from Venezuela detained the lawyer Rocío San Migueldirector of the NGO Citizen Control. The NGO Provea confirmed on the night of February 10 the arrest of the activist that occurred on Friday, February 9 at the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía.

“The arrest of the activist and #HR defender Rocío San Miguel has been confirmed. Consistent with our mandate, we demand her immediate freedom and denounce that this new abuse is part of the painful practice of persecution against those who defend and exercise rights,” Provea said through of their social networks.

Until now, the whereabouts of lawyer San Miguel are not known. Regarding the director of Citizen Control, there are protection measures dictated by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) since 2012. Citizen Control is an organization that monitors security and defense matters and the Armed Forces.

This Sunday, February 11, Amnesty International called for the activist’s immediate and unconditional freedom. “Amnesty International is monitoring the complaint of forced disappearance of Rocío San Miguel and joins the calls for respect for their rights, for the precautionary measure of protection issued in their favor by the IACHR, as well as access to lawyers and family members,” the organization said through the social network .

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Persecution intensifies

On February 1, the IACHR urged the Nicolás Maduro regime to comply with the sentence that condemns it to repair the damage done to Rocío San Miguel, Thais Peña and Magaly Chang, who were fired from the National Border Council, in 2004, for appearing in the so-called Tascón List. This list was used during the Hugo Chávez administration as one of the ways to persecution against dissent.

Although there is no information about the causes that led to the arrest of the ONG Citizen Control, it is unofficially stated that the Nicolás Maduro regime links Rocío San Miguel with an alleged conspiracy called “White Bracelet” and in which so far there are 33 detainees, including civilians and military personnel.


Source: Provea / Amnesty International

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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