Ana Guerra and her unfortunate memory of singing at the Bernabu: It is one of the coldest things I have ever done

Ana Guerra’s life after participating and being a finalist in Operation Triumph He was going so fast that he couldn’t even stop to wash his underwear.. I had to buy it in each city. She arrived, dropped her suitcase and looked for a store to have something clean, she remembers during a talk that the singer had with The Pass.

I remember much less about OT than people think., like 50% of things. Sometimes They send me videos and I don’t recognize myself, it’s like it’s happening for the first time in my life. Even I have reintroduced myself to people I already knew.. I know that I lived it and that I enjoyed it, but it all happened so quickly, he clarifies about that stage in 2017 in which he coincided with who has now become an international star, Aitana.

With her he recorded the renowned song Lo malo, however, their careers took on very different rhythms. I have asked myself many times what I had done wrong., because they had put it in my head that success is filling the WiZink Center, composing in Los Angeles and releasing 30 songs a month. But success can be something different for everyone.

For me it is much nicer to play for hundreds than for thousands. I have been at the Santiago Bernabu singing yes, it was hysterical and I will tell my grandchildren about it, but it is one of the coldest things I have ever done. You transmit everything you can, but you don’t reach the public with anything, you don’t connect, you don’t hear their reactions, he adds.

Radiating happiness

If I could sign to stay as I am now, I would. I’m happy. Some words that say a lot about the moment of the artist, who wanted to find her own path. I have mortgaged many things because obviously reggaeton would have had more listens and could have been more viral on social networks, but I can’t lie to my audience. It’s what vibrates me.

It made me very angry when I released something and, a month later, they were already asking me when I was going to release new music. I don’t have the ability or the ability to release songs that quickly, I need my time, he adds.

A happiness that I was talking about that also reaches the personal level, where she has wedding plans with the musician Vctor Elas, whom we met for his participation in The Serranos like actor. I proposed that we get married in any church, but he told me that he wanted to have this special moment. Remember what I’m telling you: it’s going to be more Victor’s day than mine, he says, laughing. In five years I see myself enjoying the same professional success, living in a small house with Victor and about to get pregnant.


The singer Ana Guerra and the actor Vctor Elas.A. Prez MecaEuropa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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