Andy: If Lucas recovers, we will return

The army of faithful that Andy and Lucas began to raise 20 years ago was dealt a severe blow by the confession of its commanders. The duet from Cadiz announcement in The Anthill his withdrawal from music on medical recommendation, given that Lucas suffers from heart disease, a disease that affects the heart and blood vessels. Five years ago I took the business reins of Andy and Lucas and day to day life has been complicated. A year ago I started getting dizzy which translated into high blood pressure. They referred me to a cardiologist and we have decided that it is best to slow down a little.

A confession that has raised a cast of reactions and speculations about what the future of both artists will be like after this unexpected retirement. Thus, Both artists have offered a press conference in Madrid to publicly share the details of this separation. Andy has starred in the most notable moment of the conference by ensuring that it is not an end because there is hope that Lucas will recover. If Lucas recovers, we will return. I hope it is like that and if that happens, no one has any doubt that we are going to return..


The musical group Andy and Lucas perform during a press conference, at the IEA facilities, Alejandro Martnez Vlez / Europa Press 11/23/2023Alejandro Martínez VlezEuropa Press

In the first instance, they have taken the opportunity to thank the warm expressions of support and affection from both their public and the media. Thanks to the massive call there has been. That means that we matter something and we are loved something. Thanks to the press for all these years because we have felt cared for by all of you. It is natural to be grateful and if we are here it is because we have learned from all things for better or worse. We have been surprised by the love from everyone. It has been very nice.

If Alejandro Sanz wants to come to WiZink to sing, it would be an honor

Lucas, who has brought the medical reports of his illness so that no one thinks he wants to take advantage, has announced that there will be a tour of four concerts in Spain (Our last chords), with stops in Cdiz, Seville, Madrid and Barcelona. In the Spanish capital, these two great friends will sing at the WiZink Centerwhere they hope to interpret with Alejandro Sanz one of his great hymns, as it is They are from Love. We deserve this 2024 tour. We have never performed in Madrid and we will do a concert in Madrid, at the WiZink Center. And then we will stop. And what better than to do it after a tour as extensive as last year and this one through America and Europe. If Alejandro Sanz wants to come to Wizink to sing Son de Amores it would be an honor.

Both artists have also given hints about their future, which will continue to be linked to the world of music, but in a very different way. We are not announcing that we are separating, I see Lucas more than my family. The problem is that Lucas can’t keep up with this pace of life. In 2024, we are going to do four concerts because we have been able to get this far for health reasons. We are both going to continue linked to music because it is what we are passionate about. Promotions and trips are what we are going to put aside a little. We did not separate as a musical couple or as friends. It hasn’t occurred to any of us to do anything separately.sealand.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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