You are currently viewing Anna-Carina Woitschack: Anna-Carina Woitschack about lies and intrigue in show business and private life

Anna-Carina Woitschack doesn’t want to have anything to do with lies, intrigue and manipulation in real life. Nevertheless, she is now exposing herself to exactly that: in the new RTL program “Die Verrter”. The pop singer talks to GALA about this new challenge and reveals the importance of loyalty and honesty in her life.

Anna-Carina Woitschack, 30, swaps the microphone and big stage for spooky and dark days and nights in the castle. She is one of a total of 16 celebrities who get involved in a nasty game in the new RTL show “Die Verrter” (from September 13th, 2023 on RTL + and from September 20th every Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. on RTL) and so sometimes reach their limits.

In an old castle in France, the candidates, which also include actresses Christine Urwurf, 52, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, 66, and Florian Fitz, 55, have to expose and eliminate the traitors among them. Meanwhile, the three villains chosen in advance by presenter Sonja Zietlow, 55, commit a murder every night against one of their unsuspecting teammates. “It’s about strategies, cleverness, knowledge of people and that really appealed to me,” explains Anna-Carina Woitschack in the GALA interview.

Anna-Carina Woitschack could no longer trust anyone

Suddenly not being able to trust anyone anymore and being under suspicion every day is not that easy. But the 30-year-old seems to be well prepared for this thanks to her job in show business. “I love challenges in principle, even as an artist on stage. When I step onto a new stage, it’s always exciting because you’re never far from knowing what the audience is like, what the events are like,” says Anna-Carina. Now she wanted to find out how she would function and act under the conditions in the castle.

If you haven’t seen the first episode “The Traitors” yet, you shouldn’t read any further here.


However, the pop singer did not expect that Sonja Zietlow would choose her as one of the traitors. “It was an emotional rollercoaster,” she admits, but it’s not about how you are private, it’s just a game. In real life, loyalty and honesty are extremely important to her.

I know myself, I’m also sensitive and if I let that get to me and my soul, it’ll be difficult. And I had to find that switch very quickly to really just see it as a strategy game and take all the personal emotions out of it.

You have to act cleverly and manipulate your colleagues and gradually eliminate them. Anna-Carina cannot rely on her own real-life experience. “In real life it would be bad if you had to manipulate something to get to your goal. That’s not me at all. Well, I’m a self-confident and independent woman and I fight for my goals with a lot of ambition, but “Not on the backs of others,” she clarifies.

Anna-Carina Woitschack: “I have become more mindful”

From her time on “The Verraters” she takes even more into reality: “I have become more aware of how often one is manipulated, influenced and perhaps even lied to in one’s private life.” This has a lot to do with her job and getting older. “I’ve been making music for twelve years now and have gained a lot of experience when it comes to honesty and loyalty,” she explains. “That’s always a big topic in the music world. What do I say where, what do I say to whom? And finding a balance for yourself as to who I let approach me and what I share with people and what I prefer Keep it to myself, as you become a little more sensitive over the years or through such experiences.”

The musician has now developed a thick skin and reacts calmly to rumors. She had to learn this at the latest with her highly publicized separation from Stefan Mross, 47, after three years of marriage in November last year. “Of course there are headlines that you read more often,” said the former “DSDS” participant. However, these are just speculations. Instead of dispelling lies about herself, she would rather tell people “that you are responsible for yourself, especially as a young woman who makes music.” Of course you meet people on your way who “open a door for you, but you have to go through it yourself,” she emphasizes.

“The truth sometimes hurts”

And if there’s one thing she’s learned from her past, it’s that lying is “exhausting.” “The truth, and I know this from my private life, is always the better way,” explains Anna-Carina Woitschack. She goes through life very honestly and likes to surround herself with people who are also “honest, loyal and humane”. Her motto: “Sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes a truth is ugly. But it’s better to have a bad truth than a good lie.”

“The Traitors Trust no one!” is on RTL from September 20th at 8:15 p.m can be seen on RTL+ a week before it is broadcast on TV.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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