You are currently viewing Anthony Delon gives his version following Hiromi Rollin’s comments in Le Parisien

Alain Delon is currently the subject of a media affair due to his alleged relationship with a 60-year-old woman named Hiromi Rollin, his “lady-in-waiting”. In an interview given to our colleagues at Parisian Friday September 29, she claims to have maintained “a loving relationship for 33 years” with Alain Delon. In fact, last July, Hiromi Rollin was evicted from her home in Douchy in Loiret, where she lived with the 87-year-old actor. Subsequently, the actor’s three children, Anthony, Anouchka and Alain, filed two complaints against her for “abuse of weakness”. “Alain did not witness my expulsion, she confided to Parisian. I found myself on the street with nothing for five days, with the same clothes. They didn’t let me take any of my stuff, I only had €60 with me.”

Anthony Delon challenges Hiromi Rollin’s comments

Guest of C the weekly on France 5 this Saturday, September 30, Anthony Delon returned to Hiromi Rollin’s comments in The Parisian and reacted immediately: “It’s a bit like the shepherd’s response to the shepherdess, he began. She wasn’t going to stand by and do nothing.. I read the paper of Parisian not Closer. Besides, we say that it’s an interview but it’s more of a four-handed paper (…) In addition, this interview is a minefield because you have to be careful about what we say now.” The 59-year-old actor also shared his feelings following this explosive interview: “Me, IHe thinks she’s inventing a life for herself. What shocked me a lot at first was that if there weren’t more serious things at work in this story, I would laugh because, there are times when when you read this paper, you say: ‘he is a sales representative. He leaves on Monday, he returns on Friday…”

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Questioned by Aurélie Casse on the relationship between Alain Delon and Hiromi Rollin, Anthony Delon never having seen them “kiss” : “I wasn’t there every dayhe nevertheless admitted. In addition, my father and I had a somewhat complicated relationship. While Alain Delon had two children, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien with the former top model, Rosalie Van Breemen, Anthony Delon thinks that his father could not have maintained two love affairs at the same time: “What shocks me a little in these 33 years is that 33 years ago, my father was 54 years old. He met the mother of his children who was 23 or 24 years old. It was a model, she was sublime. He fell in love with her. They lived between Douchy, Holland and Switzerland. The children were born in Gien, they went to school in Switzerland. They lived in Holland… Throughout Where was this life?”, he asked himself about Hiromi Rollin. To be continued…

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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