News JVTech Anti-attacker smartphone shell: alarm, self-defense, a first for this French startup

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A French start-up has just developed a smartphone shell capable of defending its user in the face of aggression. A real Swiss army knife, here is all it is capable of.

Feeling safe when you go outside is one of the most important things, and what better than a smartphone that you take everywhere to protect yourself. It is already possible to share your location with preferred contacts on your iPhone, for example, but other than that, it can be complicated to react quickly when you are attacked by a stranger in the street.

To allay the fears of thousands of individuals, Safee, a startup from Lyon has spent more than a year developing a compact and very well thought-out object to defend oneself in a critical situation: quite simply, the shell of one’s phone, but a real personal bodyguard, a world first according to the company. The height of a defense system is to forget it before leaving. At least one case is always with you.

In appearance, it is a completely normal shell, but in reality it hides a small button at the back. When the user faces an attacker, all he has to do is press the button three times quickly for the machine to start. On the menu :

  • A 130 decibel alarm triggers (120 decibels being the pain threshold for a human)
  • The front and rear cameras of the smartphone as well as the microphone are activated to record what is happening
  • Send a notification to your emergency contacts with your geolocation data as well as an alert message inviting them to call the police.

The main idea is to deter the aggressor and disturb him with a deafening sound. The case works via Bluetooth and can transmit the live location constantly to its emergency contacts, even without pressing the button. It also exists a discrete mode allowing the alarm to be deactivated at any time.

Anti-attacker smartphone shell: alarm, self-defense, a first for this French startup

In addition to deterrence, being able to quickly launch the cameras and the microphone makes it possible to record evidence that may prove crucial after a complaint has been filed. The shell is customizable and has a 3-month battery life.

How much does it cost ? When is it coming out?

This innovative object was presented by Safee during the CES 2023, the world’s largest tech show in Las Vegas. The Safee site is still under construction, but the project seems to have been launched, and the shells should soon appear on the market, even if no date has yet been revealed.

Not all smartphones are the same, and the first cases will be adapted to the twenty most popular models. For the price, the hull will launch at around 60 euros, in addition to a subscription at 2.90 euros per month.


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