Argentine musicians accuse the government of defunding the industry

BUENOS AIRES.- Charly Garca, Fabiana Cantilo and Gustavo Santaolalla signed, along with another half a thousand musicians and Argentine groups, a statement against the Omnibus Law that the president Javier Miley send to Congress and that includes defunding the industry musical.

The devastating bill, points out the statement also signed by musicians such as León Gieco and Susana Rinaldi, implies that in a country that is: “an example of cultural production, now only market logic will prevail,” to determine what will be produced. .

“The result of this logic would be a cultural production that has more to do with competition than with the transmission of feelings and values,” indicated the statement from the Table of Industry and Musical Activity.

Another of the most notable signatories is La Renga, a rock band whose song Panic Show It is usually sung by Milei at her public events, despite having been rejected by the group in a statement in 2021: “we do not want to have someone disguised as a friend talking about freedom.”

Government objective

The so-called Minibus Law, which has yet to be analyzed by Congress, includes 664 articles that propose changes in the political system, education, retirements, labor relations and protest rights.

Among other reforms, it reduces funding to the National Institute of Music, as well as dealing similar blows to the world of cinema and theater.

This ambitious project by the libertarian president, called “Law of bases and starting points for freedom”, complements another battery of 360 reforms contained in a controversial decree that came into force last Friday.

This Milei megadecree, which repeals or modifies more than 300 regulations, suffered its first setbacks this week when Justice gave rise to two different judicial protections against its labor chapter, which is rejected by the unions.

A federal judge on Thursday suspended the January judicial recess so that judges can rule this month on the numerous amparos filed against the decree.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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