♥️♥️♥️ “Atlanta – Season 4”

American series by Donald Glover (2022). Available on OCS

– With Donald Glover, Brian Tyree Henry, Lakeith Stanfield, Zazie Beetz. 10 episodes.

An unexplained riot in a supermarket, a woman in a wheelchair chasing one of the characters with a knife in her hand, a deceased rapper leaving clues for a treasure hunt in his songs, a literally dead-end shopping mall… Like the Alice of Lewis Carroll, the spectator of “Atlanta” does not believe his eyes, dazzled since 2016 by the shimmer of this series bristling with the absurd and the supernatural. It doesn’t take long, just a few minutes, for this fourth season to masterfully reactivate its universe. It will turn out to be the most stunning of all.

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After crossing Europe with wide eyes, the gang of hero Earn (Donald Glover, also creator of the series) returns to their favorite territory, the ordinary-looking city of Atlanta, where the flaws of American society appear. however for who knows how to see them. Thus, the four nickel-plated feet will confront the industry of sitcoms that squeeze children like lemons, the ridiculous obsession of young whites for rap, the harshness of life on the farm or the appearance of a serial killer obsessed with an old music video. In permanent balance between uneasiness, terror and caustic humour, “Atlanta” describes a country undermined by racism and the exploitation of its neighbour.

Rarely has the black experience within a white society in perpetual nervous breakdown been so subtly reproduced as here. As such, episode 8 on a fictional CEO of Disney is a little gem, just as the last of the season, dreamlike as one might wish, perhaps brings the beginning of a desperate solution for those who want to preserve their dignity: faced with madness and violence, so there would be nothing left but the dream to stay sane. From then on, we can totally trust Donald Glover so that, like the White Rabbit, he takes us back to the meanders of his miraculous burrow.

♥️♥️ Futsal Social Club

In a city of Villeneuve La Garenne, on the outskirts of Paris, the players of a neighborhood club have launched a crazy bet: to win the most prestigious European futsal competition, the Champions League.
In a city of Villeneuve La Garenne, on the outskirts of Paris, the players of a neighborhood club have launched a crazy bet: to win the most prestigious European futsal competition, the Champions League. (©STEP BY STEP PRODUCTIONS / JEAN BAPTISTE JOUY)

French documentary series by Thomas Yzèbe and Pascal Richter (2022). Available on MyCanal – 6 episodes.

It’s the anti-World Cup. Pure football, without corpses buried under the stadium, without air conditioning in the desert or millions of dollars. This is to say if the 6 episodes of this documentary series arrive at the right time. While the great questionable barnum of Qatar has just ended, we can prefer to discover how a group of friends from Villeneuve-la-Garenne and Asnières-sur-Seine, two bordering towns of 92, will succeed in the hold-up of the century: lead their futsal club (indoor football, faster and more spectacular than that practiced on grass) to the top of the Champions League, the most prestigious European competition in the discipline. The success here is due both to the story of this incredible ascent and to the personalities who embody it. First, Sami Sellami, the president of the club, convinced of being able to carry out his crazy project, and his players, who have a revenge to take on life and their daily environment.

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This is how we discover how the neighborhood association will climb the ladder of success one by one (it snatches Ricardinho, the best futsal player in the world!), up to the title of French champion and the European dreams. One could believe in a fiction and yet everything is true: the suspense, the punchlines, brilliant actions in the field, galleys, twists and turns, incredible journeys to the four corners of the Old Continent (and even as far as Siberia!). We salute the excellent immersion work of the directors who were able to grasp the truth of this quest as the strength of this group capable of moving mountains. Without revealing the end of the epic, we can hope that documentary festivals take a look at this series which happily lets its characters grow before our eyes.

22 series of 2022 not to forget

♥️ “The Patient”

Steve Carell and Domhnall Gleeson in
Steve Carell and Domhnall Gleeson in “The Patient” (FRANK OCKENFELLS/FX)

American Series by Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg (2022). Available on Disney+

With Steve Carell, Domhnall Gleeson. 10 episodes

This is one of the most gratifying pitches of this end of the year: Alan Strauss, a shrink (Steve Carell), counts among his patients Sam Fortner (Domhnall Gleeson), a strange man who wants at all costs to make his urges disappear. but who, failing to confide in detail about his private life, does not succeed. Very quickly, Fortner reveals his nature as a serial killer. He will kidnap Strauss and chain him in his basement to force him to treat him. Then begins an astonishing camera that brings together a therapist affected by the death of his wife and his kidnapper, who says he has been tortured by his desires for murder since he was abandoned by his father when he was 14 years old.

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Yes, but here it is, the series drags on a bit (10 episodes is too much), the flashbacks showing the shrink’s wife as the questions about her Jewishness weigh down the whole thing, and the complexity of the relationship between the two men is not deep enough, unlike our national “In therapy”. Yet there was enough to exploit as never before the dialectic of master and slave and the perversity of the relationship between caregiver and patient. There remains, however, a brilliant Steve Carell, world star of comedy who, after a resounding role in the film “Foxcatcher” (2014), once again shows the extent of his dramatic repertoire.


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