You are currently viewing Aurora Ramazzotti: She chats about marriage to Goffredo and baby number 2

Six months ago, little boy Cesare was born. Now Aurora Ramazzotti is already talking about more offspring. Only then does she want to get married.

The daughter of presenter Michelle Hunziker, 46, and singer Eros Ramazzotti, 59, has very clear ideas for her private life: “First comes the second baby and then the wedding,” explained Aurora Ramazzotti, 26, at the “KinderTag2023” in Berlin. Bild newspaper.

Aurora Ramazzotti: Clear words about baby number 2

“Yes, of course Cesare will have a sibling,” said the new mother in the interview. However, she’s not in such a hurry to have baby number two: “I don’t want the age gap to be too big, but I also want to enjoy my life a little bit again. Pregnancy is stressful.” Above all, her fiancé Goffredo Cerza, 27, seems to have concerns about the rapid expansion of the family: “There is a big difference between the first and the second child. It is also a question of cost. Because we will then need a bigger house and a bigger car.” He would therefore like to wait three to five years to have his second child.

“First comes the second baby and then the wedding!”

The young couple doesn’t have any plans to get married in the near future: “No. That won’t happen for now,” said Ramazzotti. She plans: “First comes the second baby and then the wedding! Having a baby together means that you are bound to each other forever.”

The new parents are currently still under the impression of their first son Cesare, who was born on March 30th. The 26-year-old reported: “The nights are hard because he still wakes up.” But Eros Ramazzotti’s daughter found a trick: “But then I started singing for him. He responds very well to music and dancing. Whenever he cries, I sing him a song from his grandpa. Then calms him down he immediately.” The “magic song” is “Per Me Per Semper”. “When Cesare is in the car and crying desperately, I put this song on and he immediately stops crying. This song is 20 years old.” In the restaurant, the little one fell asleep to the song within 30 seconds. “All the guests were amazed.”

“Michelle is the best babysitter”

But grandma Michelle Hunziker also plays an important role in raising children. “At the moment Cesare is with my mother in Milan. Michelle is the best babysitter. She loves her grandson more than anything. I think at the beginning she felt like she was interfering too much. She knew that I wanted to be a very independent mother .” But she then told her mother that she didn’t have to worry. Now Hunziker keeps asking when she can see the little one. “A good family is a family that doesn’t want to teach you how to be a good mother – but is there for you when you need it,” says Aurora Ramazzotti. “You can take their advice when you need it. When someone imposes themselves, it can be stressful.” After all, everyone has different methods for raising children.

Gained 20 kilos due to pregnancy

A topic that concerns her less, however, is her weight after birth. There are more important things. “I gained almost 20 kilos due to my pregnancy. It was the first time in my life that I really didn’t care about gaining weight. I just felt like pregnancy was such a blessing! I didn’t care about the rest .” Even after the birth, she initially had other priorities than her appearance. In the meantime she is doing a lot for her fitness again. “I run, I go to the gym and I swim.”

Comparison with her mother is still painful

Appearance used to be very important to her. “The reason for this was society and also the fact that I was exposed to the media at a young age because of my mother and father.” Above all, the constant comparison with her mother is “still painful”. But she worked hard on herself and tried not to let it get to her. “Today, external appearance is no longer so important to me and I have strengthened myself as a person and as a woman in my life. When I look at myself in the mirror, I just want to feel good and healthy.”

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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