Australia, the first country where Venezuelans are exercising their right to vote

CAMBERRA.-Due to the time difference, voters Venezuelans residents in Australia They began to exercise their right to vote at the Venezuelan embassy in that country, assigned as a center for the elections presidential elections of Venezuela this July 28th.

With a difference of 14 hours with respect to America, Australia is the first country in the world where Venezuelans began to vote.

Gabriel Mijares Vázquez, a 32-year-old young man from the state of Anzoátegui, went to the embassy in Canberra, the capital of the Oceanian country, at 6:20 am. He was the first Venezuelan to vote in the world, according to what was learned on social media.

Embed – EVTV on Instagram: “#VenezuelaVotaYCobra | “It is a golden opportunity to get out of this dictatorship (…) everyone with Edmundo, everyone with María Corina,” said Gabriel Mijares, the first voter in Australia. . the information was shared by Venezuelan journalist Aurimar Freitez through X. . #VenezuelaVotaYCobra is presented by: @majorityLatino @ignacioalvarezforsheriff @elabogadoguerrero @parrilladasilvamiami @aniscartujano Let us know your opinion in the comments. Remember to follow all the details through our #Envivo signal on and in our EVTV PLUS APP. #NoticiasEvtv #EVTVConectaContigo #EleccionesVenezuela #VenezuelaVotaYCobra”

Australia, for Venezuela

However, at 4:30 pm on Saturday, July 27, the first Venezuelans began to arrive at their voting center.

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“I am so happy to be here at this moment, a historic moment for my generation. Go out and vote, it is a golden moment,” he told the team from the Venezuela Vota electoral operation, from El Pitazo.

Abroad, only 69,211 Venezuelans, equivalent to 0.32% of more than 8 million residents outside the country, can vote in these elections, and they will do so manually, that is, with a physical ballot and not electronically as in Venezuela.

Source: With information from El Pitazo, networks

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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