Bertin Osborne, after the birth of his son: I'm not going to be a father, it's not my turn

Last December 31 the first common child of Bertán Osborne and Gabriela Guillén came into the world, as announced exclusively on the As es la vida program. A baby desired by the physiotherapist, although not so much by the singer. The interpreter of Noches de San Juan grants this Wednesday an exclusive interview with Hola! magazine where he talks about the arrival into the world of the little boy or girl – the sex is still unknown – and the paternity tests to which it is speculated that he could undergo.

Gabriela is a great girl, let this go ahead! She is a very good person. Very attractive, very hard-working and very decent. I can’t speak but good things about her. (…) Gabriela is the only one who has never demanded anything from me. She has never asked me for anything. She has refused and has rejected any help that I have been able to offer, she begins by expressing in her main magazine.

Regarding his current relationship with the Paraguayan woman, Bertn answers: I have not seen her again. The last time in my life was last July 1st. I’ve talked to her, I think… Once. I had a short relationship with her and, one day, she told me that she was expecting a child. I told him: look, you have two options, you know that I will be helping in either of the two. But I know that, love, it’s not my turn to be a father again.ade.


Gabriela Guillén leaves the doctor on July 14, 2023 in Madrid (Spain).Jose Velasco Europa Press

I have decided that I do not want to be a father and I am not going to be a father. She told me that she didn’t care, that she was going to have it anyway. It’s his responsability. She has made a decision that is absolutely reasonable and that I applaud. There is no problem on my part, she continues confessing in Hello!.

Paternity test?

The ranchera singer is clear about it. Obviously, we will have to do some tests. I have a responsibility. I have a lot of family. I have children and grandchildren. It is fair to everyone around me to do so, she says. Likewise, he insists that this is not an issue of distrust but rather an issue that must be ratified because otherwise there will be problems.

Bertin Osborne admits that if it is confirmed that the little one is his son, I am a responsible guy and I will help and I will take care of whatever I have to take care of. It has been a not very long relationship that has ended this way. I have nothing but good words for her. I have simply decided that I am not going to be a father, that I do not want to be a father.he concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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