Biden surrenders to Meloni: "I thank the Italians for supporting you"

Holding hands and laughing, this is how they have received the president of the United States, Joe Bidenand the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, to the journalists who were eagerly awaiting the press conference of both leaders. Biden He has starred in a whole twist of the script, after having raised a cry to heaven with the arrival of the party leader brothers from italy to the italian governmenttoday he received Meloni with all the honors.

“It is a pleasure to be here with the Prime Minister of Italy,” he began. Biden his speech, referring to Meloni like a friend”. The US president thanked the transalpine country for its unequivocal support for the Atlantic Alliance already Ukraine before the Russian aggression. “I thank the Italians who have supported you,” he assured Bidenwhile passing some folios with annotations.

But one of the central issues and in which USA has shown special interest is the participation of the transalpine country in the New Chinese Silk Road. Italy so surprised Brussels like Washingtonin 2019, when it became the first country in the G-7 to be part of this macro project. In this sense, Biden He wanted to highlight the strong economic ties that exist between the two countries.

While Meloni has hinted that it is more than likely that he will get his country out of the agreement with beijing. “The United States and Italy are committed to establishing free and fair global trade for all.” In this sense, he has highlighted how other countries do not share the same standards in terms of environmental regulations, labor conditions or safety. without directly mentioning Chinathe prime minister has made her position clear.

But despite all the praise received by the American leader, Meloni has not missed the opportunity to highlight that “despite the colors of the governments” the relations between the two nations are “historically strong” by sharing “the same values”. “We know who our friends are, when times are difficult,” stressed the Italian Prime Minister.

The strong commitment of Meloni with the defense of sovereignty of Ukraineas well as his respect for the country’s institutions -removing the colors of those who predicted the end of democracy in Italy– has ended up breaking the barriers of Washington. Biden finally extended, last June, the invitation to the Italian leader to the White House thus reinforcing its international profile .

“Those who believe in peace should be the first to support Ukraine,” the Italian wanted to clarify, looking directly at Biden. Africa and immigration is an issue of vital importance to Meloniwho has led a diplomatic offensive within the European Union to reach agreements with the countries of origin and thus reduce the migratory flow in the Mediterranean. For this, the Prime Minister has requested the cooperation of USA and has advanced that it will be a priority for the G7, which will chair Italy the next 2024.

Both leaders have conveyed great harmony and closeness. They have even come to comment on some anecdote of youth. Meloni has been received with all honors in the US capital where, before meeting with Bidenalso visited the Congress and offered a press conference together with the president of the House of Representativesthe republican kevin mccarthy.

Both stressed that the link between Italy and USA “It’s very strong.” McCarthy went further and assured that, with Meloni as prime minister and with her strategy for the future, the connection with the United States “will be even greater.” The picture of Meloni in Washington has radically changed. while the Biden Administration never received the brazilian Jair Bolsonaro and insists on excluding the Hungarian Victor Orbánthe Italian prime minister is now received as a great ally.


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