Bill Gatesthe co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s most renowned philanthropists, has taken on Elon Musk and other tech industry leaders who called for a halt to the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

As he recalls a report published on the website of The chroniclerMusk and other businessmen signed a petition to stop the development of AI and its “risk to society and humanity”but Gates discredited his decision.

Society has paused on other technologies with potentially catastrophic effects on society. We can do it here. Let’s enjoy a long summer of AI, let’s not rush to fall unprepared”, the referents requested in the request.

The report explains that the request is for OpenIA, the company that created ChatGPT and its viralized fourth version, stops updates for six months with the aim of analyzing the different dangers that the evolution of the platform could bring.

What does Bill Gates think about it?

Gates has already said that the AI ​​era has begun and has always praised the advances of this technology. He has invested in it even though he is far from Microsoft, but he is a staunch supporter of artificial intelligence.

In an interview with Reuters, he spoke about the open letter signed by 1,000 experts calling for its development to stop: “I don’t think asking a particular group to pause will solve the challenges. Clearly, there are huge benefits to these things… what we need to do is identify the difficult areas.s”.

I really don’t understand who is saying that it could stop, and if all the countries in the world would agree to stop and why stop?”, concluded Bill Gates in the interview.


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