You are currently viewing Bizarrap changes its name: this is its new artistic identity

Gonzalo Julian Condebetter known to the masses as Shavingis one of the most established names in the world of music thanks to the list of collaborations it has featured with great faces in this industry. Shakira, Rauw Alejandro, Arcangel, Quevedo, Duki, Morad, Anuel AA, Nicky Jam or Eladio Carriónamong many others, have gone through the Argentine producer’s studio to turn their lyrics into great hits.

After a couple of years located in the elite, Bizarrap has made a drastic decision that directly affects its artistic identity. The composer has changed his name and is now called Bizapopas stated in his official Instagram account, where he has more than 20 million followers. A change that also disrupts merchandising with his famous cap on his head, which had the initials ‘BZRP’ and will now become ‘BZPP’.

The musician has not revealed the reason for this changealthough some of his followers believe that this new identity is due to possible collaborations with pop artists such as Aitana. However, it is not ruled out that Bizapop shares the origin of this change with its most loyal followers.

The secret that guarantees the success of Bizarrap

A few days ago, the Ramos Mejía composer made public one of his most precious secrets, which in turn supports the prestige and fame he has garnered throughout these years. Is he talk box, a tool that has the ability to modify the sound of a musical instrument and is composed of an effects pedal and a speaker connected to a type of plastic tube. An instrument that allows producing deep vocal effects. The price of this sound modifier is around 200-300 euros, although its value can become more expensive in relation to the quantity of the product.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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