You are currently viewing Bonnie Wright, the interpreter of Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter, has become a mother for the first time!

The Harry Potter saga welcomes a new wizard to its team with the birth of Bonnie Wright, the interpreter of Ginny Weasley.

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The symbol is strong. Today, Potterheads, or more simply fans of the Harry Potter saga, learned with sadness of the death of Michael Gambon, the unforgettable headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. The actor took over the role in the third installment of the film franchise after the death of Richard Harris and had a very prolific career in television, cinema and theater. In the space of a few years, several actors from the series imagined by JK Rowling have left our world, notably Alan Rickman, Helen McCrory and Robbie Coltrane, aka Hagrid.

Bonnie Wright announces she has given birth to a baby boy

But as if to give a sign of hope to those looking for new characters for their favorite saga, we learned of the birth of one of the popular actresses in the casting, Bonnie Wright, who played Ginny Weasley. In the novels as in the films, she ends up marrying Harry Potter, the famous wizard, with whom she has three children. In real life, the actress, now 32 years old, has been married since last year to Andrew Lococo and she is the mother of a little boy named Elio Ocean Wright Lococo, who arrived in their lives on September 19. The birth took place in their home, located in California, where the actress continues her profession, while being one of the ambassadors for Greenpeace. She then created an ecological community, Go Gently, inspiring her to write a book, where she offers advice on how to better fight climate change. For this birth, Bonnie Wright wanted to pay tribute to the nursing staff who helped her give birth at home, but also to the father: “Elio has the sweetest, most loving dad.”

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Other little wizards in the cast of the Harry Potter saga

Bonnie Wright is not the only actress in the saga to have had a child recently. This is the case of Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter, who became a father at the very beginning of the year, but also of Ruper Grint, his brother Ron in the cinema, who saw the birth of Wednesday in May 2020.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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