After the Betis unleashed a football storm in the Benito Villamarinwhich carried away a barren Valencia with a forceful 3-0social networks witnessed an exchange of harsh words that had the indirect protagonist: Borja Iglesias. The ‘panda’ had left the stadium with more joy than other nights. “I received the most beautiful ovation I have ever experienced as a footballer. Thank you very much for your love when things are not going as well as we would like.”wrote on X (Twitter, before) to culminate with a “Now I feel you closer than ever”. Meanwhile, on Instagram the same harmony was not felt. His girlfriend, Maria Valerohad decided not to remain silent before the words of Asier Garciaa sports journalist and model who did not hesitate to express his opinion about the couple in a photo that she had published some time ago.

The screenshots of this incident were published by the influencer through her stories with a subsequent reflection that left no one indifferent. “I work, I don’t live off this nonsense, my friend, I live in the real world, let’s see how long the nonsense lasts when I change you for the first one that happens, who changes more girlfriends than your team, your kid. Keep an eye on him on Instagram, I know a few that he has already written to and thrown in his favor., García left in writing. It didn’t take long for Valero to respond, trying to close the bitter conversation without success: “If your life is shit, don’t take it out on me, a crack kiss.”

“You can’t be more sexist”

But the discussion was not going to stop there. “I’ll send you screenshots, don’t worry.”, the journalist responded, attaching an emoticon of a face bursting into laughter with tears in its eyes. And there fell the straw that broke the camel’s back. “Being a ‘journalist’ as you call yourself and you are the least professional thing I have ever seen in my life. “You don’t live in the real world, you live in your miserable world where all you have to do is make up nonsense and base my worth on being with someone or try to attack me saying that they are going to ‘change’ me.”responded Valero, who was about to complete his response to García’s unpleasant words. “But who have you thought you were? Treating me like an object, you can’t be more sexist. And I hope no one works with you again, you are disgusting”sentenced.


The image of this conversation in the comments box was accompanied by the thoughts that the influencer has about it. “Look, I continually receive bad comments, but on top of that, a ‘journalist’ comes to give me shit and address me that way, I’m not going to tolerate it.”. And then, mentioning both the journalist and the media outlet where he works, he asked that they not include him on his staff, since “he dedicates himself to insulting people on social networks.”


Immediately afterwards, Valero uploaded another screenshot of a comment from Asier himself. “It wasn’t enough for him with the influencer collaborations that a footballer needed, another one for the I-don’t-want-to-work-in-life bandwagon”, he had written, in what can be assumed to be the message that gave rise to the aforementioned exchange of words. Under this image, Borja Iglesias’ partner shouted to the heavens: “I’m fed up”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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