In this context, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva chose not to leave the country as the investigations into the Bolsonaro coup continue and sent the Ministers of Economy, Fernando Haddad, and of Environment, Marina Silva. “Despite the recent terrible events in Brasilia, we will have a strong Brazilian ministerial delegation, led by the finance minister,” said the president of the Davos Forum, Borge Brende, Europa Press news agency reported.

Brende also announced that Silva’s presence will serve to highlight the problems in the Amazon. In parallel, the Federal Police announced the arrest this morning in the state of Rio de Janeiro of a person suspected of organizing and financing the coup acts in Brasilia.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance indicated that after the violent events in Brasilia, greater interest was generated by the presence of the South American giant in this forum, in which they intend to show that the attack on the institutions on January 8 “already went down in history” and remain focused on economic recovery. Nor will the vice president, Geraldo Alckmin, who will also remain in Brazil, hurrying up the latest details and names of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce, which he heads, will not attend, as originally planned, the Metropoles news portal detailed.

The Government of Brazil plans for Lula to resume his international agenda next week with a first trip to Argentina, where he will meet with President Alberto Fernández on January 23 and will participate in the meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. (Celac). Already for February, the intention is to visit the White House and in April Portugal.

China is the other country in which its arrival is expected in the first half of 2023. “Many heroes have avoided the worst. PMs (military police) wounded in combat claim that they ‘faced professionals’. Corporate financing? Scammers trained on the battlefield? A true criminal organization. The night of the 8th is not over yet. Let’s go to the end,” Cappelli, the appointed intervener after the attacks, tweeted last night.

According to the official, “they faced professional men among the demonstrators, trained and prepared people, who had notions of shock tactics, who had their own teams to return grenades and who almost killed a policeman.”

It is time to “separate the chaff from the wheat” and punish all those agents who were “accomplices” in the attempts of that coup mob, the inspector also stated during the Fantástico program on the Brazilian network Globo, according to the news agency. Europe Press. Cappelli highlighted that 44 police officers were injured in the brawls in Brasilia. “The 8th is not over yet. That night still has many things behind it, a lot of history behind it, a lot of research and we will take it to the end,” Cappelli said.

However, the Military Police, which depends on the states, in this case of Brasilia, is also being investigated and last Tuesday Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes ordered the arrest of its former commander Fabio Augusto Vieira, who was in functions on Sunday during the assault on the buildings of the three powers. Meanwhile, the Federal Police reported in a statement that “a person was arrested in Campos dos Goytacazes (Rio de Janeiro)” and that he is fulfilling another five court orders to search and seize documents, in addition to three temporary detention orders, reported the Sputnik news agency.

The arrest occurs within the framework of “Operation Ulysses”, which is investigating the local leaders who blocked the routes of Campos dos Goytacazes after the elections in which former President Jair Bolsonaro was defeated. It also seeks to find out who organized the demonstrations in front of the Army headquarters in the city and if these people were also behind the caravans that left Rio de Janeiro to participate in the coup attempt in Brasilia on January 8.

That day, thousands of Bolsonaro supporters from all over Brazil violently invaded the buildings of the National Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace. The suspects face charges of criminal association, subverting the rule of law and incitement to the Armed Forces against constitutional powers.

On the other hand, while the investigations progress, the interim governor of the Federal District, Celina Leao, informed that the police presence will be doubled to permanently reinforce the security of the headquarters of the public powers invaded on January 8.

Leao, who was temporarily appointed after the suspension of the Bolsonaro member Ibaneis Rocha, added that “immediately” from 240 to 500 military police stationed around the so-called Esplanade of the Ministries and the headquarters of the three public powers, which were vandalized by opponents of President Lula da Silva, a week after he was sworn in as president for the third time.


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