Disappeared at the age of 82, Pel marked the history of football and sport. The greatest legend of Brazilian football received a unanimous tribute from the world press this Friday.

Pel received a fine tribute from the world’s presses.

Pel is dead. At 82, Edson Arantes do Nascimento left this world, overcome by colon cancer which has seriously weakened him in recent weeks. An end awaited by all which logically caused the four corners of the planet to react with tributes to the greatness of his legend.

The last goodbye from Brazil

Grief for the immortal king of football , title Globo on its site. To mark the occasion, the Brazilian newspaper published an original edition with four covers illustrating Pl’s greatest moments: his victories at the 1958, 1962 and 1970 World Cups and his joy when he scored his 1000th goal, carried in triumphed by his ex-comp Jairzinho with one of his most mythical clichés that has survived the ages.

Pel is dead, football loses its king writes O Estado de S. Paulo, while Folha de Sao Paulo talks about a man who showed the power of sport and pushed the boundaries of fame . O Dia for his part has compiled declarations on the triple world champion while Extra, Correio Braziliense and Estado de Minas have reserved their front page with original photos to say goodbye to the greatest legend of the country.

The unanimous world press

In France, Pel also occupies a large place in the news of the day. Renowned for its headlines, L’Equipe has been very sober. Pel, he was a king , can we read on the main page of the sports daily with a photo of the deceased, smiling, dressed in the yellow jersey of the Seleao. Le Parisien, Liberation, Sud Ouest, La Dpche, Le Dauphin, all reserved the cover page to say a final goodbye to the man who fascinated France.

Even constant in Argentina, where the parallel with Diego Maradona, who died in November 2020, is logically made. Beyond the rivalry that exists between Argentina and Brazil, no one can doubt that Pel was one of the greatest footballers in history explains Ol, who has reserved a nice title The balloon cries: Pel is dead . For Clarin, Pel has t the first big football star a great among the great . The end of an era.

The world press hails the legend Pel

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