Brazilian singer Pedro Henrique dies during a concert

MIAMI.- He singer Brazilian Pedro Henrique died during a show music Christian in which he participated. In a video that went viral on social networks, you can see how the artist performed the song It’s going to be so beautiful, when he suddenly collapsed on stage.

The event occurred on Wednesday, December 13 at the Santana Fair in Brazil. The event was being broadcast live on networks.

Although Henrique was rushed to a nearby medical center for emergency care, he arrived without vital signs. The doctors reported that the cause of death of the singer was due to a massive heart attack.

Pedro was married to the Brazilian influencer Suilan Barreto, with whom he had a one-year-old daughter. On his Instagram account, the interpreter posted photos of his family and shared the excitement he felt about celebrating little Zoe’s first Christmas.

For its part, the record label Todah Music, with which he worked, issued a statement in which they regretted the fact.

“There are very difficult situations in life, for which we have no explanation. We just need to understand that God’s will prevails. He was a cheerful young man, a friend to everyone, the only son, a present husband and super dedicated father. There is no pastor or Christian in Brazil who says anything different. We believe that Peter will have a prominent place in the great heavenly choir. The songs in his voice will not die and his legacy will continue to live through his wife, his daughter Zoe and so many lives that have been and will be touched by his voice,” the text reads.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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