Building under construction collapses in the east

In addition to the tons of cocaine sent from Paraguay to Europe, through merchant ships, the other route, the air, also registers a significant flow, protected by fragile controls, added to the involvement of officials in the illegal plot.

Throughout the last few years, from time to time, at the main air station in our country, seizures of drugs that go in the suitcases of Paraguayan travelers abroad are verifiedmainly to Spain.

In the almost absolute majority of cases, however, the volumes that fall do not exceed three kilos, at most, and of doubtful purity. That is why the confiscation, days ago, of 19 kg of pure cocaine detected in a traveler’s suitcaseunleashed questions about the “audacity” of carrying that unusual amount, supposedly, using that route.

It may interest you: Abroad they say that Paraguay already produces cocaine, Senad affirms that it only transits

“It is a significant amount that was seized in a suitcase, which was destined for Spain, where cocaine reaches a price of up to 50,000 euros per kilo, which represents a fairly significant figure,” expressed Francisco Ayala, director of Communication of the National Anti-drug Secretariat.

It meant that said charge It would not be the only one that occurred, since if it has accessible flanks to carry the merchandise, it is obvious that there could have been similar events before.

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It should be noted that last Friday The Prosecutor’s Office ordered the arrest of three Dinac officials and a soldier at the service of the Senadthe latter instructor of anti-drug dogs.

Investigators of the case pointed out that the deactivation of the ability to smell drugs by the dogs trained for this control, added to the “blindness” of the scanners and the complicity of some officialsclearly explain the ease with which drug traffickers were able to operate to ship drugs.


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