The bus company Metropolis reported that as of 00:00 this Tuesday the service of five bus lines will be interrupted, while that of another nine will be progressively reduced, in protest of the non-compliance with a judicial measure by the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation.

Lines 65, 90, 151, 194, 195, which mainly cover routes between the city of Buenos Aires and the suburbs, will remain with the interrupted service this Tuesday from 00:00. Meanwhile, lines 176, 237, 276, 310, 326, 448, 507, 510B and 670 will carry out the usual route, but the service will be progressively reduced.

“The measure is complied with due to the repeated non-compliance of the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation to the judicial measure issued in favor of Metropol, ratified today by the Judge of the Cause, to which is added the delay in the payment of compensations, it is that as of 00:00 on Tuesday, April 11, Lines 65, 90, 151, 194 and 195 must interrupt their services, while Lines 176, 237, 276, 310, 326, 448, 507, 510B and 670 will progressively reduce it, due to lack of resources to operate,” the company said in a statement issued this afternoon.

After having paid 100% of the March salaries of the more than 4,000 workers and having reached the critical limit of resources, The company explains that the origin of the conflict lies in the “unjustified deduction” for 16 months of 15% of income.

Said situation, the company explains in depth, “was taken to Justice through a precautionary measure and has a favorable ruling ratified in several instances, which has been disobeyed by the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation, depriving the company of resources that are essential to cover the entirety of their demand, as expressly recognized in the court rulings”.

“This illegitimate removal of resources, added to the problems suffered by all AMBA operators (unpaid debt of subsidies for more than $24,000 million to date; together with the delay due to the impact of inflation 2023 – not included in the subsidies), was supported up to now with the great business effort, and the greatest indebtedness to comply with the service”, communicates Metropol, detailing that they borrowed “to the maximum of their possibilities”.

Finally, from the company they apologized to the users: “We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our users, but it is an inevitable consequence of the repeated breaches of the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation to its obligations and court rulings.” close the statement.


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