Franzsika Brandmann, Federal Chairwoman of the Young Liberals, would like the FDP to go more on the offensive in the debates.Image: @iamdavidrenz


Die FDP is under increasing pressure. Five lousy results in state elections, the constant argument at traffic lights and a deputy boss who confuses his colleagues with the Russian president Wladimir Putin compares

On the fringes of the 66th Federal Congress of Young Liberals, watson spoke to Federal Chairwoman Franziska Brandmann about the current situation of the FDP.

watson: Franziska, you have just been to the Ukraine with the national chairman of the Junge Union, Johannes Winkel. Before that you had the Petition “Solidarity with Ukraine: Manifesto for Freedom in Europe” launched. How did that come about?

Franziska Brandman: It was a matter close to my heart that we, as democratic youth organizations, set an example on the anniversary of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. I also wanted to put together an alternative draft to the manifesto by Schwarzer and Wagenknecht. I’m sure that the young generation in Germany mostly stands in solidarity behind the Ukraine.

Didn’t the Jusos and the Green Youth feel like taking part?

I made them the offer that we would do a joint action, but only the Junge Union accepted the offer. I think that’s a pity.

There was plenty of support from the FDP’s own ranks, including FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki, who is currently causing a riot.

I am pleased that Kubicki signed the appeal, as did many other politicians from different parties and non-partisan security experts. It has become clear that support for Ukraine should not depend on party affiliations or anything like that. It’s a matter of attitude.

You sounded less enthusiastic about the name Kubicki.

I appreciate Wolfgang Kubicki – as a person and as a politician, because he has done a lot for the FDP. But the fact that he recently compared Robert Habeck’s understanding of freedom with that of Vladimir Putin just struck me as inappropriate. I was just on my way back from Ukraine. I was sitting on the train somewhere between Ukraine and Poland and at the same time I read both that civilians in Ukraine have just been killed by a bomb and that Kubicki allowed himself to be carried away with this statement.

ARCHIVE - May 16, 2021, Berlin: Wolfgang Kubicki, deputy FDP party chairman and Bundestag Vice-President, pictured at the federal party conference of the FDP.  Turkish President Erdogan has...

Wolfgang Kubicki, deputy FDP party leader, recently compared Robert Habeck to Vladimir Putin.Image: dpa / Michael Kappeler

What did that trigger in you?

The feeling that I don’t feel represented by such statements. Such a statement does not work – for any politician of any party. That’s not a statement I want to hear from a deputy leader of my party. In the past, Kubicki has made several statements that were simply over the top. I hope that this will stop immediately, because otherwise I will not be able to support his renewed candidacy for Deputy Federal Chairman.

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That’s a clear statement. In general, things are not going so well for the FDP at the moment, are they?

Yes, we recently lost a lot of approval in the state elections. We should take this seriously. My feeling is that many young voters in particular are getting the impression that the FDP is very focused on preventing bad things from happening, but not enough on making and enforcing their own demands. We can do that better – and we have to do it better, because many people in Germany are asking themselves very fundamental questions right now.


Is it fair in this country? In what future will my children grow up? How can our country continue to generate prosperity in the future? The FDP must play an active role in these debates.

July boss Franziska Brandmann at the 66th federal congress of young liberals in Halle (Saale).

July boss Franziska Brandmann at the 66th federal congress of young liberals in Halle (Saale).Image: iamdavidrenz

So the FDP should set the tone more?

Absolutely. In my opinion, the FDP is currently on the defensive in many debates. We want to change that in Julis – especially now in these difficult times. The FDP should show its competence as a problem solver and submit proposals so that it becomes a magnet for liberal-minded people again.

Isn’t she right now? Does the FDP still represent the wishes of its voters?

Of course she does. What the FDP has achieved in the past year and a half is impressive. Within a coalition with SPD and Greens to comply with the debt brake, to abolish the advertising ban on abortions and the discriminatory blood donation ban for homosexuals and much more.

Nevertheless, the FDP loses votes.

It’s not because we have the wrong topics. The FDP is implementing what it announced during the election campaign. However, she often falls short in communication because she does not publicly advertise what she has achieved and what she still wants to achieve. Instead, the FDP struggles with how difficult the traffic light constellation is. Instead, I would like more content-based attack.

February 13, 2023, Berlin, Germany, one day after the repetition of the election to the Berlin House of Representatives and the district assemblies.FDP election poster with motif Sebastian Czaja *** 13 02 2023, ...

Election slippage in the Berlin election: the FDP did not reach the five percent hurdle. Image: imago / Stefan Zeitz

How do you rate the culture of debate within the traffic light at the moment?

For the first time, we are seeing a federal government made up of three very different parties. Of course, there are often different opinions and disputes – I think that’s totally okay, by the way. That’s part of a healthy democracy. How sad would it be if these three totally different parties always agreed and only the Union, as the democratic opposition party, would object?


I wish for more substantive debate, no styleless dispute below the belt. The way all three parties are currently blaming each other is annoying. It’s not about personal sensitivities, it’s about our country. That’s why I wish that all three parties would just stop with the kindergarten and take care of the content.

ARCHIVE - October 5th, 2022, Berlin: Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (M, SPD), talks to Christian Lindner (r, FDP), Federal Minister of Finance, and Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Federal Minister of Economics ...

Not always of the same opinion: The constant noise in the traffic lights causes a lot of hustle and bustle.Image: dpa / Michael Kappeler

The FDP bears the stamp of the “No Sayer Party”, which throws obstacles in the way of many things.

Who would like a finance minister who always says “yes” when ministers come around the corner with new demands for billions? This isn’t Monopoly play money we’re talking about, it’s taxpayer money. I think it’s right that Christian Lindner remains firm, and I’m grateful to him for that – especially when I think that the SPD and the Greens would otherwise like to get into debt. My generation would then have to repay this debt at some point. Greens and SPD raise unagreed and non-counterfunded demands for billions – and then present the FDP as a naysayer party.

That sounds like the FDP is in a victim role? Everyone pounces on the Liberals?

Yes and no. The FDP is under attack from all sides. On the one hand, the SPD and the Greens are upset that the FDP is said to be blocking everything. On the other hand, the Union presents the FDP as the left-green vanguard of the traffic light. Actually, this shows that the FDP is exactly in the political center. If you’re being attacked from left and right, then I think it’s advisable to remain very stable on your point of view and thus go on the offensive in the debate.

The FDP can prove that in the upcoming state elections.

I’m looking forward to the elections in Bremen, Bavaria and Hesse. I hope that the content of the FDP’s priorities will convince many citizens. For years, Bremen has been attested that education policy there is a total disaster. Since the FDP as an education and promotion party is just right.

February 12, 2023, Berlin: A man throws his ballot paper into the ballot box at a polling station in Schmargendorf.  The election for the 19th MP, which was subsequently declared invalid by the Berlin Constitutional Court ...

In May, the state elections take place in Bremen. Elections in Hesse and Bavaria will follow in autumn.Image: dpa / Paul tines

Even in Bavaria, where Markus Söder presents himself as the sun king, liberal citizens can only do one thing: vote for the FDP. In Hesse, the black-green state government has simply done nothing at all for years. Total standstill. The FDP has so many reform ideas for a strong Hessen – I’m really looking forward to campaigning there.

Reform engine on, electoral defeats over. Will it be that easy?

That sounds like a plan! I will throw myself fully into the election campaign.


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