Keep at happy and healthy pets during December It’s harder than you think. Above all because stomach diseases and infections increase. And it is that the constant visits from friends and family is a problem if they do not know how to differentiate what food is harmful to our dogs and cats.

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“Not only what our pets eat can affect them, but also what time they eat. It is common that there are changes in the routine of our pets, including their meal times, which could cause a little anxiety and confusion in the animal ”, comment the veterinarians of Gabrica, distributor of products for pets.

Very few things shared at New Year’s dinner are suitable for your dog or cat. Some of them could cause gastrointestinal disorders, others could lead to poisoning and, in the worst case, cause a veterinary emergency.

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Even if you serve good quality animal protein options at the table, this does not mean that it is a suitable food for dogs or cats. Remember that these foods are seasoned to satisfy the palate of humans and these spices can cause digestion problems for your four-legged friends.

“Many people, due to misinformation, share their dinner leftovers with dogs and cats. This without imagining that some bones, especially those that are hollow, can be lethal for these animals, by splintering and injuring the walls of the stomach or intestine ”, the experts indicate.

What foods from my New Year’s dinner can I not give my pet?

As we mentioned earlier, many of the foods that we will have on the table at parties are considered toxic. Next we will talk about the most delicate ones.


Chocolate can become a very toxic ingredient for pets. Its consumption can cause gastrointestinal disorders, changes in the heart rhythm, convulsions, presenting a severe picture of intoxication and in the worst case, death.


These fruits cause kidney disorders in pets Ask your friends and family to be aware and not share this food with them.

Food with a lot of fat

The consumption of animal fats from one moment to another causes gastric stress. This means that our pet could present a picture of vomiting or diarrhea. In the most delicate pets, a food allergy could even arise.

So what can they eat?

Turkey is a pretty harmless option for pets, in addition to chicken. Another quite healthy and delicious option is salmon. In fact, this fish is often used when formulating supplements for dogs or cats, especially when it comes to diets that prevent food allergies.

If you want to have a quiet New Year’s party, without having to worry about the health or well-being of your four-legged friends, avoid allowing the animal to eat human food.

“Anticipate yourself by buying treats specially formulated for dogs and cats. In this way they will be pampered without having to worry about poisoning, food allergies or gastrointestinal problems”, detail the Gabrica veterinarians.


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