Chavista regime ratifies disqualification of Henrique Capriles for 15 years

CARACAS.- The former opposition governor Henrique Capriles He pointed out that Venezuelans aspire for political change and that whoever wins the presidential elections on July 28 will address the citizens’ problems.

In an interview this Sunday, June 16, in Venevisionthe former presidential candidate also criticized Nicolás’s proposal Maduro and of Chavismo to sign an agreement to recognize the results.

“That agreement is propaganda, that is not in the law. It is not in the law that the candidates have to go to the National Electoral Council (CNE) to sign an agreement because it provokes Maduro. That is part of the same script that they repeat every time an electoral process comes. In Miraflores we do not want a fighting cock but someone who comes to work for the benefit of the people. Venezuelans”he indicated.

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Likewise, Capriles maintained that Venezuelans fight for democratic changes. “The country is experiencing the winds of change, Venezuelans are not in favor of continuity, we Venezuelans want one cycle to close and another to open,” he expressed.

This Sunday, the leader ratified his call to organize for the victory of the Unitary Platform candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia. “Every day is an opportunity to continue informing, motivating and organizing. Everyone supporting Edmundo González Urrutia, the next president of all Venezuelans and the reconstruction of the country. Let’s go!” He said.

Maduro copies the opposition

On June 10, during a campaign tour for the presidential elections, Henrique Capriles pointed out that the regime of Nicholas Maduro copies the political agenda deployed by the leader María Corina Machado.

“María Corina is setting the agenda, but not only for Maduro. For Diosdado (Cabello), Delcy and Jorge (Rodríguez), for everyone. It seems that they are waiting to see what we say to go and copy it,” he assured.

He argued that, after 25 years of Chavismo in power, “Maduro, greatly responsible for the worst crisis we have had in Venezuela and now he is desperate trying to imitate badly to make himself popular.”


Source: Venevision

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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