Carlos Cruz-Diez Orchestra pays tribute to Venezuelan folklore on Got Talent Spain

MIAMI.- The members of the Orchestra Carlos Cruz-Diez paid tribute to their Venezuelan roots by performing the Plain Soul, music that highlights the culture of the Caribbean country. Under the direction of Manuel Jurado, the team, all emigrants and trained in symphonic groups from Venezuela, closed their participation in the program with a flourish. Got Talent Space.

The presentation begins with the beginning of the topic Sheet by the singer-songwriter Simón Díaz, and later the stage lit up with the fifty musicians playing and interpreting the verses of the Alma Llaneracomposed by Pedro Elas Gutirrez and Rafael Bolvar Coronado in 1914. The piece is considered the second national anthem of Venezuela.

The presentation was not only applauded by the public, it was also celebrated by the program’s jury, who pointed out that during all their performances they concentrated on surprising the audience with different styles and left the most moving show for last.

Between tears, Manuel Jurado explained that he and his companions made great efforts to be on the platform of the program, and as migrants they only wanted to make way for their compatriots so that they could continue dreaming.

“As immigrants, we go in search of other opportunities but we never forget our roots. We want to dedicate this performance to all those people who could not come tonight because they were not allowed to work, and we want to dedicate it not only to the musicians. , to all the immigrants who are working in other things (…) we are simply a channel that we open for all these people,” he said.

A dream come true

During the evening, the Venezuelan singer Carlos Baute He went up to the stage to congratulate and celebrate the musicians’ performance, not only for their effort and sharing the culture of their country, but also to dedicate a few words of support to the group.

“Thank you, Manuel. Thank you to each one of those who are here. I have to say that you are an example that dreams come true, and as an immigrant I know how complicated it is to leave your country, the challenges. You have done it Actually, every day, since this wonderful orchestra came out,” he commented.

Likewise, Baute extended to the musicians his desire to be able to play with them one day.

“I would love to play with you at some point. It would be an honor for me. It would be a dream for me,” he said.

Although the group did not emerge as winner, it showed its gratitude to the public, the judges of the program and its followers for their unconditional support during the ninth season of Got Talent Espaa.

“We want to express our gratitude to all of you, who follow us and provide all your unconditional support to this wonderful project. Thank you to each musician of the Carlos Cruz-Diez orchestra for making possible, through the efforts of each one, the achievement of taking us to the semi-final of Got Talent and above all for making us advance to the grand final!”, reads a publication on their social networks.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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