Charlie Zaa sings of romanticism with passionate Bobo

Before this premiere, the Colombian performer offered an interview to DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS to talk about the development of this production, which has a video clip recorded in Isla del Rosario (Cartagena).

What makes Charlie Zaa such a Passionate fool?

I am a fool who is passionate about everything: my family, my career, my wife; a fool passionate about all this that God gives us as Earth and inheritance.

The bachata genre has benefited us greatly, I particularly love it, I am a music lover in bachata time and I thought it was wonderful when they proposed to me to make this song, which is a very pop bachata, very much ours and very mine. I loved it and so far the results have been wonderful.

I feel that the public is identifying a lot with the song, especially the new generations, because it is a lyric that speaks perfectly of the language of love; and of course the rest of the public who – for many years – knows me.

Who are you dedicating this topic to?

To my general public.

How long did it take you to write the song and what did you learn in the writing process?

The truth is, my participation in the composition was very minimal. I only changed some phrases, some melodies, that were very much in line with what I have been doing during these 27 years of career.

These changes were very relevant, but at the same time very gratifying because I managed to make the song very mine. I perfectly managed to get into the role of a passionate fool because – as I repeat – I am a passionate fool about everything. When I do things, I do them as if for God and the result is always better, so it is good to become passionate about everything.

So, I received it, I made it my own, I interpreted it and you will realize what the result of this beautiful song is.

Known mainly as a bolero performer, how did you become interested in bachata?

The album we are releasing is a multi-genre album, I called it a musical box; That is, I created a musical box in my mind and inside the box I decided that 11 love notes would be written, of which seven letters are from my son and the other four from different composers.

My music producer received the reading perfectly and the musical arrangements are wonderful. For each song, a perfect costume was created and within everything we did, there was this multi-genre, which refers to that: music in bolero, waltz, cumbia, bachata and salsa. Within that, there is this bachata that is Passionate fool…and then nothing, whatever I have to sing I sing; I have always been like that.

It’s simply about making the song my own, appropriating the message that the composer wants to send at the time and all that is reflected here.

Romanticism and the language of love are your main flags. As an artist, what would be your invitation to attract the younger generations who are inclined towards the urban genre?

My task in this production is to be able to create a community that perfectly speaks the language of love, and it starts at home with my son, with my music producer, with the people who participate as musicians within this production because 70% is organic, not digital. In addition, it also calls for you, as media, to participate to create a global community that perfectly speaks the language and language of love, including the new generation.

If you have the perfect invention, but you do not have the correct work team to make it known, you will not be able to grow or transcend. So, I believe that this is everyone’s task, the radio, the press, television, social networks and the different vehicles with which music is being marketed today, so to speak.

How do you describe the experience of recording the video clip in Cartagena?

Wonderful. It has been many years since I had the opportunity to go to Cartagena and I found it very beautiful, with a shining sun.

About 18, 20 people, who were part of the club, got on the yacht. We went out to sea from Rosario Island, Caribbean Sea. We began to develop what the theme was, the idea of ​​the video.

As you can see, it is a very simple video, which perfectly shows the beauty and greatness of God through one of his creations, which is the sea, nature, open skies, a beautiful model, a beautiful work team, musicians that they knew the song perfectly and that when participating in the video they gave their best.

(There was) a production team completely convinced that what they were doing was beautiful and in the end we decided to do it in black and white because I think it is a good way to be able to venture into something that has not been seen for a long time, I think white videos and there are very few black ones because people have become more inclined towards color productions; so we considered this was the perfect opportunity to impress a little with what the brand sense is.

There are already three songs since the end of 2023, when is the album due?

The album is now finished, it consists of 11 songs or 11 love letters – as I call them -, which are included in this musical box. The only song that is not part of it is I can’t misswhich we did for Christmas.

But the album is already finished and monthly we will be opening a love letter and we will be presenting it until we have the opportunity to release the album, which I think will be released at the end of March or beginning of April.

8) For Charlie Zaa, music and God are…

Music is God, God is music. God is love and where love is, he is there.

I believe that when we learn to see life from love, the burdens will become lighter and we will learn to walk by faith. Regardless of whether we are not living or receiving what we expect, if we believe in him (God), we will live in a state of peace and enormous joy.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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